
On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 11:27 AM, Ganapathy, Sandhya
<sandhya.ganapa...@hp.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Based on the discussions, I have filed a blue print that initiates discovery 
> of node hardware details given its credentials at chassis level. I am in the 
> process of creating a spec for it. Do share your thoughts regarding this -
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ironic/+spec/chassis-level-node-discovery

Thanks Sandhya for the spec. But I prefer if people DO NOT share their
thoughts in this thread, it's out of topic. What we are trying to sort
out here is whether we should use the term "discover" for the approach
of finding out the physical characteristics of an already registered
Node in Ironic, or we should call it something else like
"introspection" or "interrogation" and leave the "discover" term only
for the approach of discovering nodes that are not registered in
Ironic yet.

Implementations details like your blueprint is suggesting whether make
it at Chassis level or Node level or both should go in another thread.

> Thanks,
> Sandhya.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dmitry Tantsur [mailto:dtant...@redhat.com]
> Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2014 2:20 PM
> To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Ironic] disambiguating the term "discovery"
> On 11/12/2014 10:47 PM, Victor Lowther wrote:
>> Hmmm... with this thread in mind, anyone think that changing
>> DISCOVERING to INTROSPECTING in the new state machine spec is a good idea?
> As before I'm uncertain. Discovery is a troublesome term, but too many people 
> use and recognize it, while IMO introspecting is much less common. So count 
> me as -0 on this.
>> On Mon, Nov 3, 2014 at 4:29 AM, Ganapathy, Sandhya
>> <sandhya.ganapa...@hp.com <mailto:sandhya.ganapa...@hp.com>> wrote:
>>     Hi all,
>>     Following the mail thread on disambiguating the term 'discovery' -
>>     In the lines of what Devananda had stated, Hardware Introspection
>>     also means retrieving and storing hardware details of the node whose
>>     credentials and IP Address are known to the system. (Correct me if I
>>     am wrong).
>>     I am currently in the process of extracting hardware details (cpu,
>>     memory etc..) of n no. of nodes belonging to a Chassis whose
>>     credentials are already known to ironic. Does this process fall in
>>     the category of hardware introspection?
>>     Thanks,
>>     Sandhya.
>>     -----Original Message-----
>>     From: Devananda van der Veen [mailto:devananda....@gmail.com
>>     <mailto:devananda....@gmail.com>]
>>     Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2014 5:41 AM
>>     To: OpenStack Development Mailing List
>>     Subject: [openstack-dev] [Ironic] disambiguating the term "discovery"
>>     Hi all,
>>     I was reminded in the Ironic meeting today that the words "hardware
>>     discovery" are overloaded and used in different ways by different
>>     people. Since this is something we are going to talk about at the
>>     summit (again), I'd like to start the discussion by building
>>     consensus in the language that we're going to use.
>>     So, I'm starting this thread to explain how I use those two words,
>>     and some other words that I use to mean something else which is what
>>     some people mean when they use those words. I'm not saying my words
>>     are the right words -- they're just the words that make sense to my
>>     brain right now. If someone else has better words, and those words
>>     also make sense (or make more sense) then I'm happy to use those
>>     instead.
>>     So, here are rough definitions for the terms I've been using for the
>>     last six months to disambiguate this:
>>     "hardware discovery"
>>     The process or act of identifying hitherto unknown hardware, which
>>     is addressable by the management system, in order to later make it
>>     available for provisioning and management.
>>     "hardware introspection"
>>     The process or act of gathering information about the properties or
>>     capabilities of hardware already known by the management system.
>>     Why is this disambiguation important? At the last midcycle, we
>>     agreed that "hardware discovery" is out of scope for Ironic --
>>     finding new, unmanaged nodes and enrolling them with Ironic is best
>>     left to other services or processes, at least for the forseeable future.
>>     However, "introspection" is definitely within scope for Ironic. Even
>>     though we couldn't agree on the details during Juno, we are going to
>>     revisit this at the Kilo summit. This is an important feature for
>>     many of our current users, and multiple proof of concept
>>     implementations of this have been done by different parties over the
>>     last year.
>>     It may be entirely possible that no one else in our developer
>>     community is using the term "introspection" in the way that I've
>>     defined it above -- if so, that's fine, I can stop calling that
>>     "introspection", but I don't know a better word for the thing that
>>     is find-unknown-hardware.
>>     Suggestions welcome,
>>     Devananda
>>     P.S.
>>     For what it's worth, googling for "hardware discovery" yields
>>     several results related to identifying unknown network-connected
>>     devices and adding them to inventory systems, which is the way that
>>     I'm using the term right now, so I don't feel completely off in
>>     continuing to say "discovery" when I mean "find unknown network
>>     devices and add them to Ironic".
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