On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 7:16 PM, Kyle Mestery <mest...@mestery.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 7:04 AM, Kyle Mestery <mest...@mestery.com> wrote:
>> Hi folks:
>> Apologies for the delay in announcing the Neutron mid-cycle, but I was
>> confirming the details up until last night. I've captured the details
>> on an etherpad here [1]. The dates are December 8-10
>> (Monday-Wednesday), and it will be at the Adobe offices in Lehi, Utah,
>> USA.
>> We're still collecting information on hotels which should be on the
>> etherpad later today.
>> Thanks, looking forward to seeing everyone I missed in Paris!
>> Kyle
> Folks, just an update, but the host organization is running into some
> trouble with the selected dates of Dec 8-10. We may need to shift the
> dates by a week to Dec. 15-17. If you've already booked travel, please
> ping me privately, otherwise hold off for another day until we sort
> this out. Apologies for the trouble here.
OK, we're keeping the mid-cycle at the same place and time: December
8-19 at the Adobe offices in Lehi, Utah. We worked through the
scheduling kinks. For those who booked travel, you're safe. :)


> Thanks,
> Kyle
>> [1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-kilo-midcycle

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