On 13/11/14 23:25 +0000, Amrith Kumar wrote:
At the suggestion of Doug Hellmann, and relative to a conversation with him and
Flavio at Summit. Doug suggested that I pose this question on the dev mailing
list so someone from OSLO can communicate the answer to the entire community
(rather than just the private email exchange that we had).

Here’s the situation, I’m using loopingcall.py as an example, this is not
limited to this module but serves as an example.

An OSLO incubator module loopingcall depends on another OSLO incubator module

timeutils has graduated [drum-roll] and is now part of oslo.utils.

There is also other project code that references timeutils.

So, to handle the graduation of timeutils, the changes I’ll be making are:

1.  Remove timeutils from openstack-common.conf

2.  Make the project code reference oslo.utils

But what of loopingcall? Should I

a.  Update it and change the import(s) therein to point to oslo.utils, or

b.  Sync the oslo-incubator code for loopingcall, picking up all changes at
least upto and including the change in oslo-incubator that handles the
graduation of oslo.utils.

In speaking with Doug and Flavio, (after I submitted copious amounts of code
that did (a)) above, I’ve come to learn that I chose the wrong answer. The
correct answer is (b). This doesn’t have to be part of the same commit, and
what I’ve ended up doing is this …

c.  Leave timeutils in <project>/openstack/common and let oslo-incubator depend
on it while migrating the project to use oslo.utils. In a subsequent commit, a
sync from oslo-incubator can happen.

I’d like someone on OSLO to confirm this, and for other projects whose lead I
followed, you may want to address these in the changes you have in flight or
have already merged.

`b` is the right answer there. As a general rule - probably the
easiest way to solve the above dilema - people should *never* modify
incubator modules in the project. Sticking to this rule will
automatically answer the question of how to update, maintain and
consume code from oslo-incubator.

If there are projects that picked `a` as the right answer, please,
update your patches and follow the already well defined workflow for
oslo-incubator. Doing otherwise will just make things harder for us
who maintain oslo, for stable maintenance and for your own

Amrith, thanks for bringing this up and for updating your patches, I know it's
a pain and I appreciate your collaboration there.


P.S: Gentle note. Oslo is not an acronym.

Flavio Percoco

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