On 11/17/2014 11:35 AM, Hayes, Graham wrote:
> On 17/11/14 16:18, Anita Kuno wrote:
>> In the last two elections there was a program that was in the last hours
>> of the nomination period before someone stepped up to lead. Currently
>> there is no process for how to address leadership for a program should
>> the nomination period expire without a someone stepping forward. I would
>> like to discuss this with the goal of having a process should this
>> situation arise.
>> By way of kicking things off, I would like to propose the following process:
>>     Should the nomination period expire and no PTL candidate has stepped
>> forward for the program in question, the program will be identified to
>> the TC by the election officials.
>>     The TC can appoint a leadership candidate by mutual agreement of the
>> TC and the candidate in question.
>>     The appointed candidate has all the same responsibilities and
>> obligations as a self-nominated, elected PTL.
>> I welcome ideas and discussion on the above situation and proposed solution.
>> Thank you,
>> Anita.
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> Would a by-election be an option - with the TC appointment being a last
> resort? I personally think as many options for a vote as possible is a
> good idea. Is there technical / administrative barriers to a by-election?
A by-election with whom?

If noone came forward during the nomination period, why would there be
an expectation that someone would come forward during a nomination
period after the nomination period?
> Also, something to consider - would the TC nomination be required to be
> an ATC in that Program? I assume that the TC would try and find a
> someone within the program, but if a program did not have anyone willing
> to be the PTL, should outside candidates be considered?
That is a good question. I have no proposal here.

> I am not advocating yes or no on the second point, just putting it out
> for discussion.
> Graham

Thanks for your thoughts Graham,
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