On Nov 18, 2014, at 6:11 PM, Sachi King <sachi.k...@anchor.com.au> wrote:

> On Wednesday, November 12, 2014 02:06:02 PM Doug Hellmann wrote:
>> During our “Graduation Schedule” summit session we worked through the list 
>> of modules remaining the in the incubator. Our notes are in the etherpad 
>> [1], but as part of the "Write it Down” theme for Oslo this cycle I am also 
>> posting a summary of the outcome here on the mailing list for wider 
>> distribution. Let me know if you remembered the outcome for any of these 
>> modules differently than what I have written below.
>> Doug
>> Deleted or deprecated modules:
>> funcutils.py - This was present only for python 2.6 support, but it is no 
>> longer used in the applications. We are keeping it in the stable/juno branch 
>> of the incubator, and removing it from master 
>> (https://review.openstack.org/130092)
>> hooks.py - This is not being used anywhere, so we are removing it. 
>> (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/125781/)
>> quota.py - A new quota management system is being created 
>> (https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-oslo-common-quota-library) and should 
>> replace this, so we will keep it in the incubator for now but deprecate it.
>> crypto/utils.py - We agreed to mark this as deprecated and encourage the use 
>> of Barbican or cryptography.py (https://review.openstack.org/134020)
>> cache/ - Morgan is going to be working on a new oslo.cache library as a 
>> front-end for dogpile, so this is also deprecated 
>> (https://review.openstack.org/134021)
>> apiclient/ - With the SDK project picking up steam, we felt it was safe to 
>> deprecate this code as well (https://review.openstack.org/134024).
>> xmlutils.py - This module was used to provide a security fix for some XML 
>> modules that have since been updated directly. It was removed. 
>> (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/125021/)
>> Graduating:
>> oslo.context:
>> - Dims is driving this
>> - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/oslo-incubator/+spec/graduate-oslo-context
>> - includes:
>>      context.py
>> oslo.service:
> During the "Oslo graduation schedule" meet up someone was mentioning they'd 
> be willing to help out as a contact for questions during this process.
> Can anyone put me in contact with that person or remember who he was?

I don’t know if it was me, but I’ll volunteer now. :-)

dhellmann on freenode, or this email address, are the best way to reach me. I’m 
in the US Eastern time zone.


>> - Sachi is driving this
>> - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/oslo-incubator/+spec/graduate-oslo-service
>> - includes:
>>      eventlet_backdoor.py
>>      loopingcall.py
>>      periodic_task.py
>>      request_utils.py
>>      service.py
>>      sslutils.py
>>      systemd.py
>>      threadgroup.py
>> oslo.utils:
>> - We need to look into how to preserve the git history as we import these 
>> modules.
>> - includes:
>>      fileutils.py
>>      versionutils.py
>> Remaining untouched:
>> scheduler/ - Gantt probably makes this code obsolete, but it isn’t clear 
>> whether Gantt has enough traction yet so we will hold onto these in the 
>> incubator for at least another cycle.
>> report/ - There’s interest in creating an oslo.reports library containing 
>> this code, but we haven’t had time to coordinate with Solly about doing that.
>> Other work:
>> We will continue the work on oslo.concurrency and oslo.log that we started 
>> during Juno.
>> [1] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-oslo-library-proposals
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