The neturon spec appears to be a copy/paste of the nova spec that I wrote.
Based on the conversation below, I agree that this is not the best
approach: GET /<prefix>/<resource_name>/count

I'll get started on updating the nova spec to include the total count value
in some new attribute based on the existence of a query parameter (ie,

The details will have to be in limbo a bit until this gets resolved:

Steven Kaufer

Sean Dague <> wrote on 11/20/2014 10:48:05 AM:

> From: Sean Dague <>
> To:
> Date: 11/20/2014 10:57 AM
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [api] Counting resources
> I'm looking at the Nova spec, and it seems very taylored to a specific
> GUI. I'm also not sure that 17128 errors is more useful than 500+ errors
> when presenting to the user (the following in my twitter stream made me
> think about that this morning -
> 500+ also better describes the significant figures we're talking about
>    -Sean
> On 11/20/2014 11:28 AM, Morgan Fainberg wrote:
> > The only thing I want to caution against is making a SQL-specific
> > choice. In the case of some other backends, it may not be possible (for
> > an extremely large dataset) to get a full count, where SQL does this
> > fairly elegantly. For example, LDAP (in some cases) may have an
> > administrative limit that will say that no more than 10,000 entries
> > would be returned; likely you’re going to have an issue, since you need
> > to issue the query and see how many things match, if you hit the
> > limit you’ll get the same count every time (but possibly a different
> > dataset).
> >
> > I want to be very careful that we’re not recommending functionality as
> > baseline that should be used as a pattern across all similar APIs,
> > especially since we have some backends/storage systems that can’t
> > elegantly always support it.
> >
> > Personally, I like Gerrit’s model (as Sean described) - with the above
> > caveat that not all backends support this type of count.
> >
> > Cheers,
> > Morgan
> >
> >> On Nov 20, 2014, at 8:04 AM, Salvatore Orlando <
> >> <>> wrote:
> >>
> >> The Nova proposal appears to be identical to neutron's, at least from
> >> a consumer perspective.
> >>
> >> If I were to pick a winner, I'd follow Sean's advice regarding the
> >> 'more' attribute in responses, and put the total number of resources
> >> there; I would also take Jay's advice of including the total only if
> >> requested with a query param. In this way a user can retrieve the
> >> total number of items regardless of the current pagination index (in
> >> my first post I suggested the total number should be returned only on
> >> the first page of results).
> >>
> >> Therefore one could ask for a total number of resources with something
> >> like the following:
> >>
> >> GET /some_resources?include_total=1
> >>
> >> and obtain a response like the following:
> >>
> >> {'resources': [{meh}, {meh}, {meh_again}],
> >>   'something': {
> >>        '_links': {'prev': ..., 'next': ...},
> >>        'total': agazillion}
> >>  }
> >>
> >>  where the exact structure and naming of 'something' depends on the
> >> outcome of the discussion at [1]
> >>
> >> Salvatore
> >>
> >> [1]
> representation_structure.rst
> >>
> >> On 20 November 2014 15:24, Christopher Yeoh <
> >> <>> wrote:
> >>
> >>     On Thu, 20 Nov 2014 14:47:16 +0100
> >>     Salvatore Orlando <
> >>     <>> wrote:
> >>
> >>     > Aloha guardians of the API!
> >>     >
> >>     > I haven recently* reviewed a spec for neutron [1] proposing a
> >>     > distinct URI for returning resource count on list operations.
> >>     > This proposal is for selected neutron resources, but I believe
> >>     > topic is general enough to require a guideline for the API
> >>     > group. Your advice is therefore extremely valuable.
> >>     >
> >>     > In a nutshell the proposal is to retrieve resource count in the
> >>     > following way:
> >>     > GET /<prefix>/<resource_name>/count
> >>     >
> >>     > In my limited experience with RESTful APIs, I've never
> >>     > one that does counting in this way. This obviously does not mean
> >>     it's
> >>     > a bad idea. I think it's not great from a usability perspective
> >>     > require two distinct URIs to fetch the first page and then the
> >>     > number of elements. I reckon the first response page for a list
> >>     > operation might include also the total count. For example:
> >>     >
> >>     > {'resources': [{meh}, {meh}, {meh_again}],
> >>     >  'resource_count': 55
> >>     >  <link_to_next_page>}
> >>     >
> >>     > I am however completely open to consider other alternatives.
> >>     > What is your opinion on this matter?
> >>
> >>     FWIW there is a nova spec proposed for counting resources as
> >>     well (I think it might have been previously approved for Juno).
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>     I haven't compared the two, but I can't think of a reason we'd
> >>     need to be any different between projects here.
> >>
> >>     Regards,
> >>
> >>     Chris
> >>
> >>     >
> >>     > Regards,
> >>     > Salvatore
> >>     >
> >>     >
> >>     > * it's been 10 days now
> >>     >
> >>     > [1]
> >>
> >>
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> >
> >
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> --
> Sean Dague
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