> On Nov 21, 2014, at 3:59 AM, Thomas Goirand <z...@debian.org> wrote:
>> I'm not sure I understand the meaning behind this question. "bower
>> install angular" downloads a bower package called "angular".
> Isn't there is a simple URL that I may use with wget? I don't really
> want to use bower directly, I just would like to have a look to the
> content of the bower package.

You can’t. Bower doesn’t have “traditional” packages where you take a
directory and archive it using tar/zip/whatever and then upload it to
some repo. Bower has a registry which maps names to git URLs and then
the bower CLI looks up that mapping, fetches the git repository and then
uses that as the input to the “look at metadata and do stuff with files”
part of the package manager instead of the output of an un-unarchival

Donald Stufft
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