Hi Valeriy,

thanks for feedback. My answers see below.

Am 02.12.2014 um 16:44 schrieb Valeriy Ponomaryov <vponomar...@mirantis.com>:

> Hello Marc,
> Here, I tried to cover mentioned use cases with "implemented or not" notes:
> 1) Implemented, but details of implementation are different for different 
> share drivers.
> 2) Not clear for me. If you mean possibility to mount one share to any amount 
> of VMs, then yes.

That means you have an existing shared volume in your storage system and import
it to manila (like cinder manage). I guess this is not implemented yet.

> 3) Nova is used only in one case - Generic Driver that uses Cinder volumes. 
> So, it can be said, that Manila interface does allow to use "flat" network 
> and a share driver just should have implementation for it. I will assume you 
> mean usage of generic driver and possibility to mount shares to different 
> machines except Nova VMs. - In that case network architecture should allow to 
> make connection in general. If it is allowed, then should not be any problems 
> with mount to any machine. Just access-allow operations should be performed.

This point was actually a copy from the wiki [1]. I just removed the Bare-metal 
since for me it doesn’t matter whether the infrastructure service is a 
Bare-metal machine or not.

> 4) Access can be shared, but it is not as flexible as could be wanted. Owner 
> of a share can grant access to all, and if there is network connectivity 
> between user and share host, then user will be able to mount having provided 
> access.

Also a copy from the wiki.

> 5) Manila can not remove some "mount" of some share, it can remove access for 
> possibility to mount in general. So, looks like not implemented.
> 6) Implemented.
> 7) Not implemented yet.
> 8) No "cloning", but we have snapshot-approach as for volumes in cinder.


> Regards,
> Valeriy Ponomaryov
> Mirantis
> On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 4:22 PM, Marc Koderer <m...@koderer.com> wrote:
> Hello Manila Team,
> We identified use cases for Manila during an internal workshop
> with our operators. I would like to share them with you and
> update the wiki [1] since it seems to be outdated.
> Before that I would like to gather feedback and you might help me
> with identifying things that aren’t implemented yet.
> Our list:
>  1.) Create a share and use it in a tenant
>      Initial creation of a shared storage volume and assign it to several VM’s
>  2.) Assign an preexisting share to a VM with Manila
>      Import an existing Share with data and it to several VM’s in case of
>      migrating an existing production - services to Openstack.
>  3.) External consumption of a share
>      Accommodate and provide mechanisms for last-mile consumption of shares by
>      consumers of the service that aren't mediated by Nova.
>  4.) Cross Tenant sharing
>      Coordinate shares across tenants
>  5.) Detach a share and don’t destroy data (deactivate)
>      Share is flagged as inactive and data are not destroyed for later
>      usage or in case of legal requirements.
>  6.) Unassign and delete data of a share
>      Destroy entire share with all data and free space for further usage.
>  7.) Resize Share
>      Resize existing and assigned share on the fly.
>  8.) Copy existing share
>      Copy existing share between different storage technologies
> Regards
> Marc
> Deutsche Telekom
> [1]: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Manila/usecases
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> Kind Regards
> Valeriy Ponomaryov
> www.mirantis.com
> vponomar...@mirantis.com
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