On Tue, Dec 02, 2014 at 07:44:23PM +0000, Mooney, Sean K wrote:
> Hi all
> I have submitted a small blueprint to allow filtering of available memory 
> pages 
> Reported by libvirt.

Can you address this with aggregate? this will also avoid to do
something specific in the driver libvirt. Which will have to be
extended to other drivers at the end.

> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/libvirt-allowed-mempage-sizes
> I believe that this change is small enough to not require a spec as per
> http://docs.openstack.org/developer/nova/devref/kilo.blueprints.html
> if a core (and others are welcome too :)) has time to review my blueprint and 
> confirm
> that a spec is not required I would be grateful as the spd is rapidly 
> approaching
> I have wip code developed which I hope to make available for review once
> I add unit tests.
> All relevant detail (copied below) are included in the whiteboard for the 
> blueprint.
> Regards
> Sean
> Problem description
> ===================
> In the Kilo cycle, the virt drivers large pages feature[1] was introduced
> to allow a guests to request the type of memory backing that they desire
> via a flavor or image metadata.
> In certain configurations, it may be desired or required to filter the
> memory pages available to vms booted on a node. At present no mechanism
> exists to allow filtering of reported memory pages.
> Use Cases
> ----------
> On a host that only supports vhost-user or ivshmem,
> all VMs are required to use large page memory.
> If a vm is booted with standard pages with these interfaces,
> network connectivity will not available.
> In this case it is desirable to filter out small/4k pages when reporting
> available memory to the scheduler.
> Proposed change
> ===============
> This blueprint proposes adding a new config variable (allowed_memory_pagesize)
> to the libvirt section of the nova.conf.
> cfg.ListOpt('allowed_memory_pagesize',
>                 default=['any'],
>                 help='List of allowed memory page sizes'
>                      'Syntax is SizeA,SizeB e.g. small,large'
>                      'valid sizes are: small,large,any,4,2048,1048576')
> The _get_host_capabilities function in nova/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py
> will be modified to filter the mempages reported for each cell based on the
> value of CONF.libvirt.allowed_memory_pagesize
> If small is set then only 4k pages will be reported.
> If large is set 2MB and 1GB will be reported.
> If any is set no filtering will be applied.
> The default value of "any" was chosen to ensure that this change has no 
> effect on
> existing deployment.
> References
> ==========
> [1] - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/virt-driver-large-pages
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