Just FYI, we ran into a last minute scheduling conflict with the venue
and are sorting it out, so please _do not book travel yet_. Worst case
it will move to Feb 16 - 18 instead of 18 - 20.

Excerpts from Clint Byrum's message of 2014-12-01 14:58:58 -0800:
> Hello! I've received confirmation that our venue, the HP offices in
> downtown Seattle, will be available for the most-often-preferred
> least-often-cannot week of Feb 16 - 20.
> Our venue has a maximum of 20 participants, but I only have 16 possible
> attendees now. Please add yourself to that list _now_ if you will be
> joining us.
> I've asked our office staff to confirm Feb 18 - 20 (Wed-Fri). When they
> do, I will reply to this thread to let everyone know so you can all
> start to book travel. See the etherpad for travel details.
> https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-tripleo-midcycle-meetup

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