Renat, Dmitri,

On supplying the global context into the workflow execution...

In addition to Renat's proposal, I have a few here.

1) Pass them implicitly in start_workflow as another kwargs in the
**params.  But on thinking, we should probably make global context
explicitly defined in the WF spec.  Passing them implicitly may be hard to
follow during troubleshooting where the value comes from by looking at the
WF spec.  Plus there will be cases where WF authors want it explicitly
defined. Still debating here...

inputs = {...}
globals = {...}
start_workflow('my_workflow', inputs, globals=globals)

2) Instead of adding to the WF spec, what if we change the scope in
existing input params?  For example, inputs defined in the top workflow by
default is visible to all subflows (pass down to workflow task on
run_workflow) and tasks (passed to action on execution).

3) Add to the WF spec

    type: direct
        - global1
        - global2
        - input1
        - input2

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