在 2014年12月22日 10:36, Lingxian Kong 写道:
2014-12-22 9:21 GMT+08:00 Alex Xu <sou...@gmail.com>:

2014-12-22 9:01 GMT+08:00 Lingxian Kong <anlin.k...@gmail.com>:
but what if the compute node is back to normal? There will be
instances in the same server group with affinity policy, but located
in different hosts.

If operator decide to evacuate the instance from the failed host, we should
fence the failed host first.
Yes, actually. I mean the recommandation or prerequisite should be
emphasized somewhere, e.g. the Operation Guide, otherwise it'll make
things more confused. But the issue you are working around is indeed a
problem we should solve.

hi Alex,
how about ask this in openstack-op mailing list, that will be much help.

Eli (Li Yong) Qiao

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