> On 20 Dec 2014, at 03:01, Dmitri Zimine <dzim...@stackstorm.com> wrote:
> Another observation on naming consistency - mistral uses dash, like 
> `for-each`. 
> Heat uses _underscores when naming YAML keys. 
> So does TOSCA standard. We should have thought about this earlier but it may 
> be not late to fix it while v2 spec is still forming. 


We thought about it long ago. 

So my related comments/thoughts:
We didn’t find any strict requirements about using snake case in YAML
as well as in OpenStack
We also didn’t find any technical problems with using “dash case"
One of the reasons to use “dash case” was a suggested style of naming workflow 
variables using snake case. So not to confuse workflow language keywords with 
workflow variables we consciously made this decision.
v2 is still forming but I’ve been totally against of introducing backwards 
incompatible changes into it since the beginning of October since we promised 
not to when we released 0.1 version. All the changes we’re now considering 
should be 100% backwards compatible with all existing syntax. Otherwise, it 
will be not easy to gain trusts from people who use it. Again, all changes must 
be additive within at least one major version of DSL. If we gather enough 
feedback that some of the things need to be changed in a non-backwards 
compatible way then we will probably create v3. Otherwise, why do we need 
versioning at all?

Renat Akhmerov
@ Mirantis Inc.

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