Hello everyone!

StoryBoard is the much anticipated successor to Launchpad, and is a
component of the Infrastructure Program. The storyboard-core group is
intended to be a superset of the infra-core group, with additional
reviewers who specialize in the field.

Yolanda has been working on StoryBoard ever since the Atlanta Summit, and
has provided a diligent and cautious voice to our development effort. She
has consistently provided feedback on our reviews, and is neither afraid of
asking for clarification, nor of providing constructive criticism. In
return, she has been nothing but gracious and responsive when improvements
were suggested to her own submissions.

Furthermore, Yolanda has been quite active in the infrastructure team as a
whole, and provides valuable context for us in the greater realm of infra.

Please respond within this thread with either supporting commentary, or
concerns about her promotion. Since many western countries are currently
celebrating holidays, the review period will remain open until January 9th.
If the consensus is positive, we will promote her then!




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