I'm sending the details of the midcycle in a separate email. Before you
reply that you won't be able to make it, I'd like to share some thoughts /

In the last few weeks, several people who I previously thought would attend
told me that they can't. By my informal count, it looks like we will have
at most 5 of our 10 core reviewers in attendance. I don't think we should
cancel based on that, but it does mean that we need to set our expectations

Assuming that we will be lacking about half the core team, I think it will
be more practical as a focused sprint, rather than a planning & design
meeting. While that's a break from precedent, planning should be happening
via the spec review process *anyway*. Also, we already have a larger back
log of specs and work than we had this time last cycle, but with the same
size review team. Rather than adding to our backlog, I would like us to use
this gathering to burn through some specs and land some code.

That being said, I'd also like to put forth this idea: if we had a second
gathering (with the same focus on writing code) the following week (let's
say, Feb 11 - 13) in the SF Bay area -- who would attend? Would we be able
to get the "other half" of the core team together and get more work done?
Is this a good idea?

OK. That's enough of my musing for now...

Once again, if you will be attending the midcycle sprint in Grenoble the
week of Feb 3rd, please sign up HERE

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