On 01/02/2015 08:43 AM, Paul Michali (pcm) wrote:
> To summarize what I’m trying to do with option (A)…
> I want to test VPN in DevStack by setting up two private networks, two 
> routers, and a shared public network. The VMs created in the private networks 
> should be able to access the public network, but not the other private 
> network (e.g. VM on private-A subnet can ping public interface of router2 on 
> private-B subnet)
>   |
> VM-a
> Do I need to create the second router and private network using a different 
> tenant?
> Do I need to setup security group rules to allow the access desired?
> What local.conf settings do I need for this setup (beyond what I have below)?
> I’ve been trying so many different combinations (using both single and two 
> devstack setups, trying provider net, using single/multiple tenants) and have 
> been getting a variety of different results, from unexpected ping results, to 
> VMs stuck in power state PAUSED, that I’m lost as to how to set this up. I 
> think I’m hung up on the security group rules and how to setup the bridges.
> What I’d like to do, is just focus on this option (A) - using a single 
> devstack with multiple routers, and see if that works. If not, I can focus on 
> option (B), using two devstacks/hosts.
> Since I’m pretty much out of ideas on how to fix this for now, I’m going to 
> try to see if I can get on a bare metal setup, which has worked in the past.
> Any ideas? I’d like to verify VPNaaS reference implementation with the new 
> repo changes. Been spending some time over the holiday vacation playing with 
> this, with no joy. :(
> PCM (Paul Michali)
> MAIL …..…. p...@cisco.com<mailto:p...@cisco.com>
> IRC ……..… pc_m (irc.freenode.com<http://irc.freenode.com>)
> TW ………... @pmichali
> GPG Key … 4525ECC253E31A83
> Fingerprint .. 307A 96BB 1A4C D2C7 931D 8D2D 4525 ECC2 53E3 1A83

Hi Paul:

It might be worth your while to add an agenda item to the infra meeting
agenda https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting

It might help you get a sense of what is necessary to fill the gaps
either in tech or knowledge.

> On Dec 31, 2014, at 2:35 PM, Paul Michali (pcm) 
> <p...@cisco.com<mailto:p...@cisco.com>> wrote:
> Just more data…
> I keep consistently seeing that on private subnet, the VM can only access 
> router (as expected), but on privateB subnet, the VM can access the private 
> I/F of router1 on private subnet. From the router’s namespace, I cannot ping 
> the local VM (why not?). Oddly, I can ping router1’s private IP from router2 
> namespace!
> I tried these commands to create security group rules (are they wrong?):
> # There are two default groups created by DevStack
> group=`neutron security-group-list | grep default | cut -f 2 -d' ' | head -1`
> neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol ICMP $group
> neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol tcp --port-range-min 22 
> --port-range-max 22 $group
> group=`neutron security-group-list | grep default | cut -f 2 -d' ' | tail -1`
> neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol ICMP $group
> neutron security-group-rule-create --protocol tcp --port-range-min 22 
> --port-range-max 22 $group
> The only change that happens, when I do these commands, is that the VM in 
> privateB subnet can now ping the VM from private subnet, but not vice versa. 
> From router1 namespace, it can then access local VMs. From router2 namespace 
> it can access local VMs and VMs in private subnet (all access).
> It seems like I have some issue with security groups, and I need to square 
> that away, before I can test VPN out.
> Am I creating the security group rules correctly?
> My goal is that the private nets can access the public net, but not each 
> other (until VPN connection is established).
> Lastly, in this latest try, I set OVS_PHYSICAL_BRIDGE=br-ex. In earlier runs 
> w/o that, there were QVO interfaces, but no QVB or QBR interfaces at all. It 
> didn’t seem to change connectivity, however.
> Ideas?
> PCM (Paul Michali)
> MAIL …..…. p...@cisco.com<mailto:p...@cisco.com>
> IRC ……..… pc_m (irc.freenode.com<http://irc.freenode.com/>)
> TW ………... @pmichali
> GPG Key … 4525ECC253E31A83
> Fingerprint .. 307A 96BB 1A4C D2C7 931D 8D2D 4525 ECC2 53E3 1A83
> On Dec 31, 2014, at 10:33 AM, Paul Michali (pcm) 
> <p...@cisco.com<mailto:p...@cisco.com>> wrote:
> I’ve been playing a bit with trying to get VPNaaS working post-repo split, 
> and haven’t been successful. I’m trying it a few ways with DevStack, and I’m 
> not sure whether I have a config error, setup issue, or there is something 
> due to the split.
> In the past (and it’s been a few months since I verified VPN operation), I 
> used two bare metal machines and an external switch connecting them. With a 
> DevStack cloud running on each. That configuration is currently setup for a 
> vendor VPN solution, so I wanted to try different methods to test the 
> reference VPN implementation. I’ve got two ideas to do this:
> A) Run DevStack and create two routers with a shared “public” network, and 
> two private networks, setting up a VPN connection between the private nets.
> B) Run two DevStack instances (on two VMs) and try to setup a provider 
> network between them.
> I’m starting with A (though I did try B quickly, but it didn’t work), and I 
> spun up the stack, added a second router (all under the same tenant), created 
> another private network, and booted a Cirros VM in each private net.
> Before even trying VPN, I checked pings. From the first private net VM 
> (, I could ping on the pubic net, including the public IP of the 
> second private net’s public interface for its router. I cannot ping the VM 
> from the host. That seems all expected to me.
> What seems wrong is the other VM (this is on the post stack net I created). 
> Like the other VM, I can ping public net IPs. However, I can also ping the 
> private net address of the first network’s router (! Shouldn’t that 
> have failed (at least that was what I was expecting)? I can’t ping the VM on 
> that side though. Another curiosity is that the VM got the second IP on the 
> subnet (, unlike the other private net, where DHCP and a compute 
> probe got the 2nd and 3rd IPs. There is DHCP enabled on this private network.
> When I tried VPN, both connections show as DOWN, and all I see are phase 1 
> ident packets. I cannot ping from VM to VM. I don’t see any logging for the 
> OpenSwan processes, so not to sure how to debug. Maybe I can try some ipsec 
> show command?
> I’m not too sure what is wrong with this setup.
> For a comparison, I decided to do the same thing, using stable/juno. So, I 
> fired up a VM and cloned DevStack with stable/juno and stacked. This time, 
> things are even worse! When I try to boot a VM, and then check the status, 
> the VM is in PAUSED power state. I can’t seem to unpause (nor do I know why 
> it is in this state). Verified this with both Cirros 3.3, 3.2, and Ubuntu 
> cloud images:
> +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Property                             | Value                                
>                           |
> +--------------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------+
> | OS-DCF:diskConfig                    | MANUAL                               
>                           |
> | OS-EXT-AZ:availability_zone          | nova                                 
>                           |
> | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:host                 | juno                                 
>                           |
> | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:hypervisor_hostname  | juno                                 
>                           |
> | OS-EXT-SRV-ATTR:instance_name        | instance-00000001                    
>                           |
> | OS-EXT-STS:power_state               | 3                                    
>                           |
> | OS-EXT-STS:task_state                | -                                    
>                           |
> | OS-EXT-STS:vm_state                  | active                               
>                           |
> | OS-SRV-USG:launched_at               | 2014-12-31T15:15:33.000000           
>                           |
> | OS-SRV-USG:terminated_at             | -                                    
>                           |
> | accessIPv4                           |                                      
>                           |
> | accessIPv6                           |                                      
>                           |
> | config_drive                         |                                      
>                           |
> | created                              | 2014-12-31T15:15:24Z                 
>                           |
> | flavor                               | m1.tiny (1)                          
>                           |
> | hostId                               | 
> 5b0c48250ccc0ac3fca8a821e29e4b154ec0b101f9cc0a0b27071a3f       |
> | id                                   | ec5c8d70-ae80-4cc3-a5bb-b68019170dd6 
>                           |
> | image                                | cirros-0.3.3-x86_64-uec 
> (797e4dee-8c03-497f-8dac-a44b9351dfa3) |
> | key_name                             | -                                    
>                           |
> | metadata                             | {}                                   
>                           |
> | name                                 | peter                                
>                           |
> | os-extended-volumes:volumes_attached | []                                   
>                           |
> | private network                      |                             
>                           |
> | progress                             | 0                                    
>                           |
> | security_groups                      | default                              
>                           |
> | status                               | ACTIVE                               
>                           |
> | tenant_id                            | 7afb5bc1d88d462c8d57178437d3c277     
>                           |
> | updated                              | 2014-12-31T15:15:34Z                 
>                           |
> | user_id                              | 4ff18bdbeb4d436ea4ff1bcd29e269a9     
>                           |
> +--------------------------------------+————————————————————————————————+
> +--------------------------------------+-------+--------+------------+-------------+------------------+
> | ID                                   | Name  | Status | Task State | Power 
> State | Networks         |
> +--------------------------------------+-------+--------+------------+-------------+------------------+
> | ec5c8d70-ae80-4cc3-a5bb-b68019170dd6 | peter | ACTIVE | -          | Paused 
>      | private= |
> +--------------------------------------+-------+--------+------------+-------------+—————————+
> Any ideas why the VM won’t start up correctly? I didn’t see anything on a 
> google search.
> For reference, here is my local.conf currently:
> [[local|localrc]]
> GIT_BASE=https://github.com<https://github.com/>
> DEST=/opt/stack
> disable_service n-net
> enable_service q-svc
> enable_service q-agt
> enable_service q-dhcp
> enable_service q-l3
> enable_service q-meta
> enable_service neutron
> enable_service q-vpn
> PUBLIC_SUBNET_NAME=public-subnet
> # Q_USE_SECGROUP=True # was False
> # VIRT_DRIVER=libvirt
> IMAGE_URLS="http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/14.04.1/release/ubuntu-14.04-server-cloudimg-amd64.tar.gz,http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.3.3/cirros-0.3.3-x86_64-uec.tar.gz";
> SCREEN_LOGDIR=/opt/stack/screen-logs
> LOGFILE=~/devstack/stack.sh.log
> SERVICE_TOKEN=tokentoken
> # RECLONE=yes
> Originally, I had floating pool lines and net names, but even with all these 
> commented out, I have the same issue with the VM (didn’t think they were 
> related).
> For this stable/juno, Devstack is using commit 817e9b6, and Neutron is using 
> 57e8ea8.
> I’ll try to play with option B some more as well, though I need to figure out 
> how to setup the provider network correctly. If I can get time, I’ll 
> reconfigure the bare metal setup I have in the lab to try stable/juno and 
> then kilo reference VPN as well.
> If anyone has done this with a VM (either one or two), using juno or kilo, 
> please pass along your local.conf, so I can compare.
> PCM (Paul Michali)
> MAIL …..…. p...@cisco.com<mailto:p...@cisco.com>
> IRC ……..… pc_m (irc.freenode.com<http://irc.freenode.com/>)
> TW ………... @pmichali
> GPG Key … 4525ECC253E31A83
> Fingerprint .. 307A 96BB 1A4C D2C7 931D 8D2D 4525 ECC2 53E3 1A83
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