Hi Andrew,

More responses inline:

On Wed, Jan 7, 2015 at 12:11 AM, Andrew Hutchings <and...@linuxjedi.co.uk>

> Hi Phillip,
> Thanks for your response.
> > On 6 Jan 2015, at 20:33, Phillip Toohill <phillip.tooh...@rackspace.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > Ill answer inline what I can, others can chime in to clear up anything
> and
> > answer the rest.
> The reason I asked the questions I did is because I can’t find any OS the
> docs will actually compile on and it is difficult to find these answers
> trawling throw .dot and .rst files.  I’ve since found answers for a couple
> of them.
> I have several recommendations based on what I have read so far.  Such as
> not using Protobufs instead of JSON for the Amphorae->Controller
> configuration communication (I can go into lots of detail into why another
> time).  I very much like the HMAC-signed UDP messages idea though.

I think we defaulted to JSON because it's a well-understood way of
serializing data for use in a RESTful interface. I'm not familiar with
protobufs, and am willing to hear you out on reasons we should use it
instead of JSON-- but do note that what you're seeing is the result of some
hard-won compromises after extensive discussion, and we're *finally* (after
several months of this) getting to the point where we can
divide-and-conquer on this problem because we're achieving clarity and
consensus on what the components should be and how they should interface.
We're going to be resistant to changing certain details precisely because
we don't want to re-open cans of worms that we're just now getting sealed
shut-- so unless you've got some *really* compelling reasons here, we're
unlikely to want to change things at this juncture.

> I now have some feedback for my team, thanks again.
> Kind Regards
> --
> Andrew Hutchings - LinuxJedi - http://www.linuxjedi.co.uk/
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