On 12/02/15 12:04 +0000, Chris Dent wrote:
On Thu, 12 Feb 2015, Flavio Percoco wrote:

The important bit, thoguh, is that email is meant for asynchronous
communication and IRC isn't. If things that require the intervention
of other folks from the community are being discussed and those folks
are not on IRC, it'd be wrong to consider the topic as "discussed".

This is really the crux of the biscuit and thank you for continuing
to bring it back round to this point.

My personal experience of OpenStack has been that unless I am

* on IRC (too) many hours per day
* going to (too) many IRC meetings when I should be doing something
 interesting with my family
* watching a fair few spec and governance gerrits

then I will miss out on not just the decision making _process_ for
things which are relevant to the work I need or want to do and plan
for but also the _decisions_ themselves.

For example how many people really know the extent and impact of the
big tent governance plans?

Ideally I should be able to delegate a lot of this farming for
information to other people in the community but that only works if
there is a habit by those others of summarizing to the mailing list.

(Which goes back to my earlier point about of "gosh aren't we all a
bit busy?")

These are good observations and they impact 2 things. How things are
communicated and our *phisical* ability to cover many things. W.r.t
the later, it's hard to know when something simple is not part of our
responsabilities and that we should delegate to others (this goes back
to what you said in your other email).

That said, I think a key point in understanding when something is not
OK with the way your community (in this case project) communicates is
by analyzing what the effort you need to put on keeping yourself
updated is. If you need ninja-skills to avoid missing things in the
project you're working on, then IMHO there's something wrong.

The above is why I mentioned in one of my previous replies that email
should be the default. I hate emails, really, but It'd take me way
more to dig into all the IRC logs and ping people than just reading
more emails.

If that weren't enough, there're also timezones and a whole bunch of
other things related to this.

I guess what I want to say here - besides that I should probably stop
for today - is that we should strive to make it easier for people to
participate in discussions - keeping in mind all the things related to
this, Nikola elaborated a quite good list in one of his replies - but
we also should be very careful with "burnouts".

But that probably deserves a different thread.

Chris Dent tw:@anticdent freenode:cdent

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Flavio Percoco

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