Doug Hellmann <> wrote:

> And I don't think we want the database library doing anything with this
> case at all. Recovery code is tricky, and often prevents valid use cases
> (perhaps the parent *meant* for the child to reuse the open connection
> and isn't going to continue using it so there won't be a conflict).
> The bug here is in the way the application, using Oslo's service module,
> is forking. We should fix the service module to make it possible to fork
> correctly, and to have that be the default behavior. The db library
> shouldn't be concerned with whether or not it's in a forked process --
> that's not its job.

OK.  But should the DB library at least *check* that this condition is present? 
 Because, it saves a ton of time vs. trying to understand the unpredictable and 
subtle race conditions which occur if it is not checked.

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