
It is not too late to register for the our Midcycle Meetup in San Francisco for 
Monday 3/2 and Tuesday 3/3. Find the link to tickets on the Wiki page:

I have published the revised Agenda Etherpad (subject to change):


1) For those of you wishing to attend remotely, please add your names and 
timezones to the REMOTES line for that session. We will have a webex conference 
set up to allow for remote participation. 

2) Our discussions will have a leader, and a scribe for etherpad note taking. 
Please sign up to lead sessions you proposed by putting your name on the 
etherpad next to LEADER for that session.

3) We will be keeping notes for each session in the linked etherpads. Everyone 
is encouraged to participate in interactive note taking. Please volunteer to 
take scribe duty for at least one of the sessions. Pick the session that you 
are unlikely to do a lot of talking in.

4) If you are a remote attendee, and you would like us to move a session to a 
different time because of your timezone, or other reason, please contact me 
directly by email so I can work to accommodate you.

5) You may add additional topics to the numbered list at the bottom of the 
Agenda etherpad. We can fit topics into the Parking Lot timeslots.

I look forward to seeing all of you in San Francisco (in person, or remotely) 
on Monday.


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