Thanks Salvatore.  Here are my thoughts, hopefully there’s some merit to them:

With implicit allocations, the thinking is that this is where a subnet is 
created in a backward-compatible way with no subnetpool_id and the subnets 
API’s continue to work as they always have.

In the case of a specific subnet allocation request (create-subnet passing a 
pool ID and specific CIDR), I would look in the pool’s available prefix list 
and carve out a subnet from one of those prefixes and ask for it to be reserved 
for me.  In that case I know the CIDR I’ll be getting up front.  In such a 
case, I’m not sure I’d ever specify my gateway using notation like, 
even if I was allowed to.  If I know I’ll be getting, I can 
simply pass gateway_ip as and be done with it.  I see no added value 
in supporting that wildcard notation for a gateway on a specific subnet 

In the case of an “any” subnet allocation request (create-subnet passing a pool 
ID, but no specific CIDR), I’m already delegating responsibility for addressing 
my subnet to Neutron.  As such, it seems reasonable to not have strong opinions 
about details like gateway_ip when making the request to create a subnet in 
this manner.

To me, this all points to not supporting wildcards for gateway_ip and 
allocation_pools on subnet create (even though it found its way into the spec). 
 My opinion (which I think lines up with yours) is that on an any request it 
makes sense to let the pool fill in allocation_pools and gateway_ip when 
requesting an “any” allocation from a subnet pool.  When creating a specific 
subnet from a pool, gateway IP and allocation pools could still be passed 
explicitly by the user.


From: Salvatore Orlando []
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 6:06 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List
Subject: [openstack-dev] [api][neutron] Best API for generating subnets from 


Neutron is adding a new concept of "subnet pool". To put it simply, it is a 
collection of IP prefixes from which subnets can be allocated. In this way a 
user does not have to specify a full CIDR, but simply a desired prefix length, 
and then let the pool generate a CIDR from its prefixes. The full spec is 
available at [1], whereas two patches are up for review at [2] (CRUD) and [3] 
(integration between subnets and subnet pools).
While [2] is quite straightforward, I must admit I am not really sure that the 
current approach chosen for generating subnets from a pool might be the best 
one, and I'm therefore seeking your advice on this matter.

A subnet can be created with or without a pool.
Without a pool the user will pass the desired cidr:

POST /v2.0/subnets
{'network_id': 'meh',
  'cidr': '<>'}

Instead with a pool the user will pass pool id and desired prefix lenght:
POST /v2.0/subnets
{'network_id': 'meh',
 'prefix_len': 24,
 'pool_id': 'some_pool'}

The response to the previous call would populate the subnet cidr.
So far it looks quite good. Prefix_len is a bit of duplicated information, but 
that's tolerable.
It gets a bit awkward when the user specifies also attributes such as desired 
gateway ip or allocation pools, as they have to be specified in a 
"cidr-agnostic" way. For instance:

POST /v2.0/subnets
{'network_id': 'meh',
 'gateway_ip': '',
 'prefix_len': 24,
 'pool_id': 'some_pool'}

would indicate that the user wishes to use the first address in the range as 
the gateway IP, and the API would return something like this:

POST /v2.0/subnets
{'network_id': 'meh',
 'cidr': '<>'
 'gateway_ip': '',
 'prefix_len': 24,
 'pool_id': 'some_pool'}

The problem with this approach is, in my opinion, that attributes such as 
gateway_ip are used with different semantics in requests and responses; this 
might also need users to write client applications expecting the values in the 
response might differ from those in the request.

I have been considering alternatives, but could not find any that I would 
regard as winner.
I therefore have some questions for the neutron community and the API working 

1) (this is more for neutron people) Is there a real use case for requesting 
specific gateway IPs and allocation pools when allocating from a pool? If not, 
maybe we should let the pool set a default gateway IP and allocation pools. The 
user can then update them with another call. Another option would be to provide 
"subnet templates" from which a user can choose. For instance one template 
could have the gateway as first IP, and then a single pool for the rest of the 

2) Is the action of creating a subnet from a pool better realized as a 
different way of creating a subnet, or should there be some sort of "pool 
action"? Eg.:

POST /subnet_pools/my_pool_id/subnet
{'prefix_len': 24}

which would return a subnet response like this (note prefix_len might not be 
needed in this case)

{'id': 'meh',
 'cidr': '<>',
 'gateway_ip': '',
 'pool_id': 'my_pool_id'}

I am generally not a big fan of RESTful actions. But in this case the semantics 
of the API operation are that of a subnet creation from within a pool, so that 
might be ok.

3) Would it be possible to consider putting information about how to generate a 
subnet from a pool in the subnet request body as follows?

POST /v2.0/subnets
    {'pool_id': my_pool_id,
     'prefix_len': 24}

This would return a response like the previous.
This approach is in theory simple, but composite attributes proved to a 
difficult beast already - for instance you can look at external_gateway_info in 
the router definition [4]

Thanks for your time and thanks in advance for your feedback.

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