Not 100% sure that I understand. This is for the BP¹s and specs that were
approved for Kilo. Bug fixes if I understand are going to be reviewed
until the release of Kilo.
Is launchpad not a sufficient source for highlighting bugs?

On 3/11/15, 2:13 PM, "John Garbutt" <j...@johngarbutt.com> wrote:

>Just a quick update on where we are at with the release:
>Please help review all the code we want to merge before FeatureFreeze:
>Please note, 19th March is:
>kilo-3 release, General FeatureFreeze, StringFreeze, DepFreeze
>(that includes all high priority items)
>Generally patches that don't look likely to merge by 19th March are
>likely to get deferred around 17th March, to make sure we get kilo-3
>out the door.
>As ever, there may be exceptions, if we really need them, but they
>will have to be reviewed by ttx for their impact on the overall
>integrated release of kilo. More details will be shared nearer the
>A big ask at this time, is to highlight any release critical bugs that
>we need to fixe before we can release kilo (and that involves testing
>things). We are likely to use the kilo-rc-potential tag to track those
>bugs, more details on that soon.
>Any questions, please do ask (here or on IRC).
>Just a reminder you are now free to submit specs for liberty. Specs
>where there is no clear agreement will be the best candidates for a
>discussion slot at the summit. Again more on that later.
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