On 03/12/2015 05:09 PM, John Dickinson wrote:
On Mar 12, 2015, at 12:48 PM, Jay Pipes <jaypi...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 03/12/2015 03:08 PM, John Dickinson wrote:
I'd like a little more info here.

Is Horizon relying on the X-Timestamp header for reads (GET/HEAD)? If so, I 
think that's somewhat odd, but not hugely problematic. Swift has been returning 
an X-Timestamp header since patch b20264c9d3196 (which landed 3 years ago -- 
April 2012).

OK, so there is a documentation bug here that X-Timestamp should be part of the 
Swift REST API. It currently is not documented that X-Timestamp is a 
non-optional HTTP Header, and therefore the RadosGW folks did not send 
X-Timestamp headers back in the container response.

The X-Timestamp header is certainly part of the Swift API. It is required for 
container-sync functionality (implemented in early 2011) so that two clusters 
can communicate about the proper timestamp of the objects.

OK. Sounds like an implementation detail leaking out of the API to me. In other 
words, RadosGW (which is attempting to expose a Swift API in front of Ceph 
backend storage) needs to expose this X-Timestamp header even if it implements 
container-sync using an entirely difference mechanism...

I'm not sure if this actually matters for Horizon in this specific case. But 
it's certainly true that Swift requires and used the X-Timestamp header for 
implementing core functionality. Anyone talking to a Swift endpoint can assume 
that there is an X-Timestamp header in the response and use it as they see fit.

Anyone talking to an upstream Swift *implementation* can assume that header 
will be there :) But, the header is not actually documented in the Swift *API* 
and therefore one cannot make this assumption.

Thus the confusion. :)

I don't particularly agree with the characterization of the API and implementation as 
separate, but that's a "discussion" that's as old as openstack itself. (and we 
don't need to belabor it here.)


:) Understood.

But yes, in my opinion, x-timestamp needs to be added to docs.

K, thx for the verification. I've added a doc bug:


Anyway, sounds like X-Timestamp should be documented as part of the official 
Swift API. What about the X-Object-Meta-Mtime header in the related bug? That, 
too, is problematic for a similar reason. Is that header part of the Swift API 
as well?

Anything prefixed by "X-Object-Meta-" is user metadata, ie completely arbitrary 
and set by an end user (same with x-container-meta-* and x-account-meta-*). From the 
context of Swift, I have zero semantic understanding of any key or value in that 

Excellent, thanks for the clarification.

All the best,




On Mar 9, 2015, at 12:53 PM, Anne Gentle <annegen...@justwriteclick.com> wrote:

On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 2:32 PM, Matthew Farina <m...@mattfarina.com> wrote:

FYI, the last time I chatted with John Dickinson I learned there are numerous 
API elements not documented. Not meant to be private but the docs have not kept 
up. How should we handle that?

I've read through this thread and the bug comments and searched through the 
docs and I'd like more specifics: which docs have not kept up? Private API docs 
for swift internal workings? Or is this a header that could be in _some_ swift 
(not ceph) deployments?


Matt Farina

On Sat, Mar 7, 2015 at 5:25 PM, David Lyle <dkly...@gmail.com> wrote:
I agree that Horizon should not be requiring optional headers. Changing status 
of bug.

On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 5:51 PM, Jay Pipes <jaypi...@gmail.com> wrote:
Added [swift] to topic.

On 03/03/2015 07:41 AM, Matthew Farina wrote:

Unfortunately the documentation for OpenStack has some holes. What you
are calling a private API may be something missed in the documentation.
Is there a documentation bug on the issue? If not one should be created.

There is no indication that the X-Timestamp or X-Object-Meta-Mtime HTTP headers 
are part of the public Swift API:


I don't believe this is a bug in the Swift API documentation, either. John 
Dickinson (cc'd) mentioned that the X-Timestamp HTTP header is required for the 
Swift implementation of container replication (John, please do correct me if 
wrong on that).

But that is the private implementation and not part of the public API.

In practice OpenStack isn't a specification and implementation. The
documentation has enough missing information you can't treat it this
way. If you want to contribute to improving the documentation I'm sure
the documentation team would appreciate it. The last time I looked there
were a number of undocumented public swift API details.

The bug here is not in the documentation. The bug is that Horizon is coded to rely on HTTP 
headers that are not in the Swift API. Horizon should be fixed to use 
<DICT>.get('X-Timestamp') instead of doing <DICT>['X-Timestamp'] in its view 
pages for container details. There are already patches up that the Horizon developers have, 
IMO erroneously, rejected stating this is a problem in Ceph RadosGW for not properly 
following the Swift API).


Best of luck,
Matt Farina

On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 9:59 AM, Radoslaw Zarzynski
<rzarzyn...@mirantis.com <mailto:rzarzyn...@mirantis.com>> wrote:


     I would like discuss a problem which can be seen in Horizon: breaking
     the boundaries of public, well-specified Object Storage API in favour
     of utilizing a Swift-specific extensions. Ticket #1297173 [1] may serve
     as a good example of such violation. It is about relying on
     non-standard (in the terms of OpenStack Object Storage API v1) and
     undocumented HTTP header provided by Swift. In order to make
     Ceph RADOS Gateway work correctly with Horizon, developers had to
     inspect sources of Swift and implement the same behaviour.

      From my perspective, that practise breaks the the mission of OpenStack
     which is much more than delivering yet another IaaS/PaaS implementation.
     I think its main goal is to provide a universal set of APIs covering all
     functional areas relevant for cloud computing, and to place that set
     of APIs in front as many implementations as possible. Having an open
     source reference implementation of a particular API is required to prove
     its viability, but is secondary to having an open and documented API.

     I have full understanding that situations where the public OpenStack
     interfaces are insufficient to get the work done might exist.
     However, introduction of dependency on implementation-specific feature
     (especially without giving the users a choice via e.g. some
     configuration option) is not the proper way to deal with the problem.
      From my point of view, such cases should be handled with adoption of
     new, carefully designed and documented version of the given API.

     In any case I think that Horizon, at least basic functionality, should
     work with any storage which provides Object Storage API.
     That being said, I'm willing to contribute such patches, if we decide
     to go that way.

     Best regards,
     Radoslaw Zarzynski

     [1] https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1297173

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