I'd like to point out that for NetApp FC drivers NetApp has been in discussions 
and updating progress on these drivers since their submission.

I will point out a discussion in the Nov Core meeting where I brought up the 
challenge around FC environments and the response I received:

16:10:44 <timcl> K2 for existing drivers only? What about the new drivers 
coming in? K2 is going to be a challenge especially with Fibre Channel

16:10:46 <DuncanT_> thingee, deprecation or removal... I'll probably put the 
patches up for removal then convert them to deprecation 16:10:48 <jungleboyj> 
DuncanT_: So the expectation is that maintainers are reliably reportng CI 
results by K-2 ?

16:11:04 <DuncanT_> jungleboyj, For exisiting drivers, yes

16:11:10 <jungleboyj> Ok.

16:11:38 <DuncanT_> timcl, New drivers maybe target the end of the release? 
With a hard cutoff of L-2

16:11:44 <thingee> Since I know not everyone attends this meeting 
unfortunately, I think DuncanT_ should also post this to the list. 16:12:09 
<DuncanT_> thingee, Will do. I'll email maintainers directly where possible too

16:12:29 <thingee> anyone opposed to this, besides there being more work for 
you? :)

16:12:30 <timcl> DuncanT_: OK we'll digest that and see where we are in the FC 

16:12:53 <DuncanT_> timcl, Cool. Reach out to me if there are major issues, we 
can work on them.

16:13:14 <DuncanT_> Ok, I think that's me done for this topic. Thanks all

16:13:17 <timcl> DuncanT_: thx

NetApp has in good faith been working toward implementing a CI for FC, I won't 
go into the challenges of spending $$ for lab equipment to build out a scalable 
quality CI system but suffice it to say the lab equipment is on order and 
scheduled for arrival the first part of April, at which point we can put in 
place the CI for FC.

NetApp has been very forthcoming in our progress and have gotten all our other 
CI systems in place for 7-mode iSCSI/NFS, cDOT iSCSI/NFS and E-Series.

I respectfully request that NetApp FC be removed from this list of drivers to 
be removed for Kilo and placed back in the releaes and we can negotiate an 
agreed upon time as to when the CI system for these drivers will be in place.

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