On Thu, Apr 2, 2015 at 4:52 PM, Boris Pavlovic <bo...@pavlovic.me> wrote:

> Hi stackers,
> Recently, I started working on speeding up Rally cli.
> What I understand immediately  is that I don't understand why it takes
> 700-800ms
> to just run "rally version" command and it is impossible hard task to find
> what takes so much time just by reading the code.
> I started playing with patching __import__ and make a simple but powerful
> tool
> that allows you to trace any imports and get pretty graphs of nested
> importing with timings:
> https://github.com/boris-42/profimp
> So now it's simple to understand what imports take most of time, just by
> running:
>   profimp "import <lib>" --html
> Let's optimize OpenStack libs and clients?
> Best regards,
> Boris Pavlovic
There's a review in python-keystoneclient to do lazy importing of modules
here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/164066/ . It would be interesting to
know if this improves the initial import time significantly. Also, this can
be an example of how to improve other libraries.

 - Brant
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