
On 04/02/2015 04:31 PM, Morgan Fainberg wrote:
> Hello Everyone!
> It’s been an exciting development cycle (Kilo) and it is now time to start
> looking forward at Liberty and what that will hold. With that said, I’d
> like to ask for the community’s support to continue as the Keystone PTL for
> the Liberty release cycle.
> I came to the table last cycle with a general goal of driving towards
> stability and improvement on user experience[1]. For the most part the
> Keystone team has managed to improve on a number of the big outstanding
> issues:
> * Token Persistence issues (table bloat, etc), solved with non-persistent
> (Fernet) tokens.
> * Improvements on the Federated identity use-cases.
> * Hierarchical Multi-Tenancy (initial implementation)
> * Significant progress on Keystone V3-only deployment models (a lot of work
> in the Keystone Client and Keystone Middleware)
> * A good deal of technical debt paydown / cleanup
> This cycle I come back to say that I don’t want to shake things up too
> much. I think we have a successful team of developers, reviewers,
> bug-triagers, and operators collaborating to make Keystone a solid part of
> the OpenStack Ecosystem. I remain committed to enabling the contributors
> (of all walks) to be part of our community and achieve success.
> For the Liberty cycle I would like to see a continued focus on performance,
> user experience, deployer experience, and stability. What does this really
> mean for everyone contributing to Keystone? It means there are two clear
> sides for the Liberty cycle.
> New Feature Work:
> -------------------------
> I want to see the development community pick a solid 5 or so “new” features
> to land in Liberty and really hit those out of the park (focused
> development from the very beginning of the cycle). Generally speaking, it
> looks that the new feature list is lining up around providing support /
> significantly better experience for the other project(s) under the
> OpenStack  tent. In short, I see Keystone new development being less about
> the “interesting thing Keystone can do” and more about “the great things
> Keystone can do for the other projects”.
> Non-Feature Work:
> -------------------------
> We have a lot of drivers/plugins, backends, all with their own rapidly
> moving interfaces that make it hard to know what to expect in the next
> release. It is time we sit down and commit to the interfaces for the
> backends, treat them as stable (just like the REST interface). A stable ABI
> for the Keystone backends/plugins goes a long way towards enabling our
> community to develop a rich set of backends/plugins for Identity,
> Assignment, Roles, Policy, etc. This is a further embracing of the “Big
> Tent” conversation; for example we can allow for constructive competition
> in how Keystone retrieves Identity from an Identity store (such as LDAP,
> AD, or SQL). Not all of the solutions need to be in the Keystone tree
> itself, but a developer can be assured that their driver isn’t going to
> need radical alterations between Liberty and the next release with this
> commitment to stable ABIs.
> Beyond the stable interface discussion, the other top “non-feature”
> priorities are having a fully realized functional test suite (that can be
> run against an arbitrary deployment of Keystone, with whichever
> backend/configuration is desired), a serious look at performance profiling
> and what we can do to solve the next level of scaling issues, the ability
> to deploy OpenStack without Keystone V2 enabled, and finally looking at the
> REST API itself so that we can identify how we can improve the end-user’s
> experience (the user who consumes the API itself) especially when it comes
> to interacting with deployments with different backend configurations.
> Some Concluding Thoughts:
> ------------------------------------
> I’ll reiterate my conclusion from the last time I ran, as it still
> absolutely sums up my feelings:
> Above and beyond everything else, as PTL, I am looking to support the
> outstanding community of developers so that we can continue Keystone’s
> success. Without the dedication and hard work of everyone who has
> contributed to Keystone we would not be where we are today. I am extremely
> pleased with how far we’ve come and look forward to seeing the continued
> success as we move into the Liberty release cycle and beyond not just for
> Keystone but all of OpenStack.
> Cheers,
> Morgan Fainberg
> [1]
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