Yes, offering courses on OpenStack in Coursera kind of platform will be a good 
idea.  Currently there are some cloud computing courses being offered in 
Coursera along with a capstone project:


From: Amrith Kumar <<>>
Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
Date: Wednesday, 8 April 2015 9:01 pm
To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] OpenStack in the classroom


These are two related but slightly different things. The first is, as you 
suggest, to offer courses that teach OpenStack and cloud computing. The other 
which I believe has broader applicability is to teach computing with OpenStack 
as the exemplar system.

Your suggestion of offering courses through a MOOC is a good one in either 
case, and certainly worth pursuing.



From: Shaifali Agrawal []
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 11:05 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] OpenStack in the classroom

Hello Amrit
I liked the idea of taking OpenStack to the classroom. Thank You for taking the 
initiative and sharing your knowledge of cloud computing and OpenStack with 

I have a suggestion, why don't you offer a 
 preparing video lectures and sharing it with world(not just educational 
institutions in Massachusetts and near Toronto). We can ask to various MOOC 
offering portals(like<>,<> etc) to add the course into their list of 
courses or may be let this course offered by OpenStack Foundation only.
This will be really helpful for those who have never studied about cloud 
computing in their regular study courses curriculum and are new to OpenStack. 
Such students/listners will get well prepared and *sequential lectures* to read 
and learn about cloud computing and OpenStack rather than searching on web and 
reading about each new terms that they encounter while hacking in  OpenStack or 
similar fields.

The main reason why am I asking to prepare MOOC is that your effort will reach 
to whole world and also your knowledge sharing will stay alive forever in the 
form of video lectures :)
Also even though I don't have much knowledge in cloud computing and OpenStack 
but if you need someone to work with you, I would love to be that. So please 
let me know if you need an assistant for such stuff.


Shaifali Agrawal

On Tue, Apr 7, 2015 at 9:28 PM, Amrith Kumar 
<<>> wrote:
CS and EE schools today use open source software as the basis for a lot of 
coursework and as the practical example for several concepts. Most often the 
exemplar system is Linux. Yet if students are even taught about the cloud, they 
often learn about that other cloud company from Seattle.

I think OpenStack is the ideal exemplar system for a whole lot of CS/EE 
courses. No matter what area of computer science you are interested in, there’s 
an OpenStack project (or in some cases several) that you can study.

I think the fact that you can have the entire cloud on your laptop, source code 
and all, is incredibly powerful in the classroom. Not only can you see how the 
system works, but you can also tweak it or fix it if you find something to be 
wrong. Some students also learn about software development methodologies by 
contributing to a fictional open source project. Why do that when they can 
instead be contributing code to a real open source project?

I think there’s a huge opportunity for us to take OpenStack in the Classroom (a 
longer post about my experience doing this last week is at My thanks to dims and 
Kamesh Pemmaraju for helping me with this at short notice.

Let us make (and I’m looking to the Foundation to support this as a formal 
initiative) it a priority to have every university offer courses on computer 
science and cloud computing with OpenStack as the exemplar system.

Personally, I’m going to work with educational institutions in Massachusetts 
and near Toronto (where Tesora has offices, and where I tend to spend most of 
my time) to try and make available a course on cloud computing with OpenStack 
as the exemplar system. I’m going to make the materials, and offer to teach the 
course, and I will contribute the materials to the Foundation.

So this is an open offer to any university in MA and near Toronto; if you want 
someone to develop and deliver a course on cloud computing, please let me know!

I think we can all come together and take OpenStack to the Classrooms so that 
every graduating student interested in cloud computing has a working knowledge 
of OpenStack.



Amrith Kumar, Founder & CTO


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