On 8 April 2015 at 20:34, Chris Dent <chd...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 8 Apr 2015, Sandy Walsh wrote:
>  Yes. It would be so good to pull apart the state-machine that is Nova and
>> just emit completed actions via notifications. Then, have something like
>> TaskFlow externalize the orchestration. Do away with RPC-over-AMQP.
> YES! I've got notes going back to my first few weeks in OpenStack
> land that essentially say "What's with this RPC? Let's have
> (observable) events!"
> It was basically the first thing I noticed that stood out as a significant
> limitation.
I'm a bit worried here that a sensible, small, limited and easily
implementable piece of work (stream events to tenants) is trying to morph
into 'lets re-write nova' - can we keep the two separate, please? Maybe
start a new thread on the pros and cons of moving away from the current RPC
model (which I'd love to hear - I don't see what's wrong with what we have,
but that probably just means I don't understand what you're proposing)...
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