Kevin Benton wrote:
 >Timestamps are just one way (and likely the most primitive), using
redis (or memcache) key/value and expiry are another (and letting
memcache or redis expire using its own internal algorithms), using
zookeeper ephemeral nodes[1] are another... The point being that its
backend specific and tooz supports varying backends.

Very cool. Is the backend completely transparent so a deployer could
choose a service they are comfortable maintaining, or will that change
the properties WRT to resiliency of state on node restarts, partitions, etc?

Of course... we tried to make it 'completely' transparent, but in reality certain backends (zookeeper which uses a paxos-like algorithm and redis with sentinel support...) are better (more resilient, more consistent, handle partitions/restarts better...) than others (memcached is after all just a distributed cache). This is just the nature of the game...

The Nova implementation of Tooz seemed pretty straight-forward, although
it looked like it had pluggable drivers for service management already.
Before I dig into it much further I'll file a spec on the Neutron side
to see if I can get some other cores onboard to do the review work if I
push a change to tooz.

Sounds good to me.

On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 9:38 AM, Joshua Harlow <
<>> wrote:

    Kevin Benton wrote:

        So IIUC tooz would be handling the liveness detection for the
        That would be nice to get ride of that logic in Neutron and just
        register callbacks for rescheduling the dead.

        Where does it store that state, does it persist timestamps to the DB
        like Neutron does? If so, how would that scale better? If not,
        who does
        a given node ask to know if an agent is online or offline when
        making a
        scheduling decision?

    Timestamps are just one way (and likely the most primitive), using
    redis (or memcache) key/value and expiry are another (and letting
    memcache or redis expire using its own internal algorithms), using
    zookeeper ephemeral nodes[1] are another... The point being that its
    backend specific and tooz supports varying backends.

        However, before (what I assume is) the large code change to
        tooz, I would like to quantify that the heartbeats are actually a
        bottleneck. When I was doing some profiling of them on the
        master branch
        a few months ago, processing a heartbeat took an order of
        magnitude less
        time (<50ms) than the 'sync routers' task of the l3 agent
        (~300ms). A
        few query optimizations might buy us a lot more headroom before
        we have
        to fall back to large refactors.

    Sure, always good to avoid prematurely optimizing things...

    Although this is relevant for u I think anyway:
    <> (same thing/nearly same
    in nova)...
    <> (a WIP implementation of
    the latter).


        Kevin Benton wrote:

             One of the most common is the heartbeat from each agent.
        However, I
             don't think we can't eliminate them because they are used
        to determine
             if the agents are still alive for scheduling purposes. Did
        you have
             something else in mind to determine if an agent is alive?

        Put each agent in a tooz[1] group; have each agent periodically
        heartbeat[2], have whoever needs to schedule read the active
        members of
        that group (or use [3] to get notified via a callback), profit...

        Pick from your favorite (supporting) driver at:


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