On 22/04/15 05:57 +0000, Nikhil Komawar wrote:
Hello all,

With all due respect to all the Glance core-reviewers (who are doing an 
excellent job, by the way), please NO. First reaction that came to my mind 
after reading the title: What might be the thinking behind this, what is the 
direction this is driving the project towards, what’s next, open Glance core 
reviewers to all committers? I think not.

open core reviewers to committers? really?

The prime reason:-
Glance “drivers” is a role and very much like any other role, it revolves around 
responsibilities. The authority aspect of this role is a side-effect and a privilege 
given to help perform these responsibilities effectively. Similarly, Glance 
"core-reviewers" more commonly called as Glance cores is another 
responsibility. It revolves around managing the code that is proposed to be merged to the 
project code bases. So, how can something that’s approved by the drivers and not approved 
by the core reviewers get into the project? Although, the role played and the authority 
imposed may be different by both these groups, however that effect is observed by the 
community on the code proposed.

The specs are open to the community and have set expectations for providing the 
details around subtle aspects like Deployer Impact, Security Impact, Developer 
Impact, etc. So, all of these groups can point out to the author if the 
respective expectations aren’t met. And the timely provided feedback will have 
to be weighed in by the drivers. As the name of the role suggests, these people 
are expected to get things resolved and help drive the priorities of the 

How were the priorities set?
Well, this is very well known; during the Summits, mini summits, various 
meetings, mailing list discussions, etc.

What are the factors a driver must look into while providing feedback?
We are contributing to a Foundation that supports Open Source software. We 
promote Open Community discussions. Besides these important considerations, a 
thorough guideline for providing feedback is documented at [1].

How do they help drive the program?
*They provide feedback that help support the important paradigms of (open but 
in general) software evolution: Supportability, Maintainability, Elasticity, 
Scalability, Stability, etc.
* They are proactive in providing feedback on different fronts: design 
patterns, OpenStack coherence, cross-project interactions, developer 
perspectives, operator perspectives, security perspective, testing, dependency, 
use-cases, adoptability that can include subset of  user research, market 
research, competition research, interoperability etc
* They help prioritize the code that is planned to be reviewed in a cycle and 
sometimes take ownership of a spec to see it though by discussing with 
different groups, reviewers, cross project liaisons, meetings within and 
outside of the project.
* More importantly they provide timely feedback of the specs that have been 
prioritized in the beginning of cycle and attempt to provide prudent feedback 
on other specs.

While I see that some of the core reviewers help the project in many of the 
above aspects and are good candidates for drivers, being a driver is an added 
responsibility. We should make every effort to set the right expectations on 
the same and encourage great developers become core-reviewers without being 
bogged down by this added burden. Hence, we have a clear separation of concern 
and do not have a strong dependency on either of the responsibility.

About the ability to scale and the ACLs on the specs:
I have to agree that our feedback time and thoroughness has lacked severely for 
the past few cycles. However, we must note that the community is growing and 
sometimes we need to bear through the transition phase. We have had a mission 
statement change and a few related features are still spunkily trying to get 
merged. I am glad that you brought up the feedback time on the specs, as this 
also applies to the feedback time on feature-code. For example, Artifacts 
reviews did not get much attention from the existing set of core-reviewers. How 
do we solve that first? If we are going to scale drivers, we first need to 
commit to be able to review features that are earlier promised to land. Adding 
more features that come later on the priority list of the program with the help 
of a bigger driver team and not providing early feedback to top priority 
reviews doesn’t make much sense.

Clarity and transparency:
Historically, the feedback has primarily been given at the summits and at 
mini-summits. Any strong objections have been sincerely discussed and I’ve been 
part of most of them over the last few years. So, personally I did not have 
issues around clarity and transparency of the feedback. I have seen any 
features that needed feedback from variety of groups have been discussed at the 
events like summit, mini-summit, video conferencing, etc. The invitations have 
been public and for events that have limited seats (like video conference), 
open notices have been given to help FCFS principle.
Also, please do add timeliness in the feedback as a part of the concern. A few 
of the non-drivers have not provided timely feedback that has caused 
disgruntlement within subset of the community members. We need to resolve that. 
So, the takeaway looks like we need a priority list of the features that will 
be the focus of the cycle. We take the help of such committed drivers (who 
often provide great feedback outside of the specs as well) and help drive the 
program forward by making core reviewers aware of the needed reviews.

I hope that answers your questions. I have attempted to jot this down very late 
in the night and may have missed some things; I apologize about the same. 
Please do raise any outstanding concerns and I will make best attempt in 
formulating the answers to the same in writing; some things are just intuitive 
and better communicated verbally :-)

I appreciate your concern raised out in the open and touching very important points 
about our process. As an effervescent and dynamic community, we should plan to move 
towards a better process model & get something documented in this cycle and 
help clear any concerns for the members who are less frequent visitors to the ML.

Looking forward to having such great conversations more often & across all 
OpenStack projects.


I agree glance-drivers is another responsibility, which is why I said
that it'd be totally ok to just opt-out from doing it. I believe we're
just arguing whether we should let cores opt-in to drivers or just
opt-out from it.

TBH, I think core-reviewers should participate in the specs reviews
because it takes more than a spec to actually implement a feature and
sooner or later, reviewers will have to go back to the spec and read
it in order to provide a proper review to a patch.

Scaling drivers is not just a matter of adding more people to the
team, you also need to have a specific workflow that drivers can
follow in order to provide good reviews not just to the specs but to
the patches themselves.

In addition to this, there are specs that require patches to be
submitted to give a better understanding of what the feature is about.

That being said, if we look at the review/approval stats for our specs
repo, most of the approvals were done by the PTL, whereas the rest of
the team mostly did +2s and very few approvals that I didn't dug into
very much.

This basically shows that our review process for specs depends the PTL
approving them, which TBH I'm not fully against to. As a PTL, it is
good to have a good visibility of the things that are happening in the
project. Therefore, knowing what specs have been approved is
definitely a good thing.

The above plays nice with a broader set of reviewers that would
provide as much feedbacj to the specs as possible and then sync back
to the rest of the team or, at the very least, the PTL.

As I mentioned in one of my previous emails, we do this in oslo.* and
it's worked quite well, I believe. I personally trust our
core-reviewers team to have them all added to drivers and encourage
them to review the specs w/o approving.

In addition to that, each of our specs require a "core-reviewer" to be
added in the reviewers section. It makes little sense to me to have
core reviewers added to specs and those same reviewers not having a
voice/vote on the specs. Yes, they can comment, I know, but still.

I hope it's clearer where I'm coming from.


From: Flavio Percoco <fla...@redhat.com>
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2015 4:34 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Glance] Open glance-drivers to all glance-cores

On 20/04/15 19:34 +0000, Kuvaja, Erno wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Flavio Percoco [mailto:fla...@redhat.com]
Sent: 20 April 2015 15:04
To: openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org
Subject: [openstack-dev] [Glance] Open glance-drivers to all glance-cores

Hello Glance folks, and not Glance folks :D

Here's a thought. I believe, based on the size of our
project/community/reviewers team, we should just give access to all glance-
cores to glance-drivers. Few considerations:

1) Many of our reviewers have been part of Glance even before I became
part of it. It just makes no sense to me that these folks that have put efforts,
time and that have helped making Glance what it is today don't have a voice
on the specs. Commenting seems to not be enough, apparently.

2) I'd like to encourage a more open communication in our specs review
process and including all our current *code* reviewers seems like a good
step forward towards that. Things that I'd love to thing and to avoid are:

  - I'd love to avoid all kind of private emails/conversations. Specs
    can either be discussed in the review (which is what it's for),
    team meetings or mailing list.

  - I'd love for specs to get more attention from other folks. In
    other words, I'd like to scale our specs review process. There are
    specs that have sitten there for a bit.

  - Our *code* reviewers know Glance's code, I want them to have a way
    to express a stronger opinion/vote.

3) Although this doesn't seem to work for other projects, I believe Glance is
not such a big community for this to fail. If anything, it should help us to
manage the load a bit better. If there are core-reviewers that simply don't
want to do spec reviews, that's fine.

4) If there are non-core reviewers that want to be part of the glance-drivers
team then we can vote as we do for new cores. I have to admit that I'm
having a hard time to imagine a case like this but...
who knows? right?

5) It used to be like this and many of us just found themselves out of the
glance-drivers team without notice. It's probably an unexpected side effect
of disconnecting LP/gerrit and splitting the teams. Not a big deal, but...


Flavio Percoco

Hi Flavio,

Thanks for your trust towards us. While I think this is great gesture (specially towards 
us new members) I do not think this is exactly the "safest" option at the 
moment. We have had active discussion and steep learning curve to the specs over past 
cycle and I think we need to sort that out first. Second concern I have is that looking 
our core-reviewers now, we are actually fairly young group since the last flush (give or 
take half of us have been even core less than a year).

I will jump bit around on this so please try to hang on. For your point 3) I do 
agree. I think we can get there fairly soon if that is what people wants, but 
as mentioned I'd like to get our processes cleared first.

I'd like to address points 4 and 5 on single hit and _if_ we in future include 
whole core in the drivers we keep the drivers group still separated and 
individual members to that group nominated on similar open manner as we do for 
our cores.

Now last but not least to your point 2) (sorry, I have really no input on 1)). 
I do strongly agree with you on this.  As the specs are supposed to be not just 
an overview of the proposed functionality but also touched quite deeply to the 
technical aspects and as you pointed out that would be great to engage more of 
the code folks to the specs, there would be room for stronger opinion.

What I would propose as alternative instead of including glance-core to 
glance-drivers would be change in the acls of the glance-specs repo. How about we 
give -2..+2 vote to glance-core & glance-drivers and keep the workflow +1 on 
glance-drivers only? This would give us stronger say on the direction but would 
keep the decision of taking the spec out of review (merge) on the drivers until we 
can figure out/agree and _document_ how we are going to process the specs.

All good points and answers, Erno. Thanks!

By reading your email, I believe we both are, somehow, complaining
about our current spec review process. I believe it doesn't make sense
that most of our historical reviewers are not in the drivers team and
that their opinions are not *required* in some areas.

Specs pretty much define *where* the project is headed and while I
trust very much our current drivers team, I believe we need more
input. It may be argued that to provide input it's not necessary to be
in the team and have +2/-2 access but unfortunately, in some cases,
it's not been enough.

In Oslo, the oslo-core team is the one reviewing specs. The process,
roughly, is that we all review the specs and vote and then the PTL
approves it. I've followed this process in Glance too and I have not
approved a single spec, I've limited myself to just review and provide
feedback. Removing Workflow +/- could make sense but again, there are
few cases where having a couple of more people watching over that repo
is good.

I guess my point is that specs will be discussed anyway and only
people that have participated in the discussions for a specific spec
know what's going on and what should be done. Therefore, I believe
these people will keep shuch spec updated, the discussions open and
what ever happens with that spec will be decided by more than one
person. I'm, by any means, trying to imply anything here. I just want
to make a point and encourage simplicity and clarity/transparency in
our spec process.

I trust the core team enough to believe no-one is going to get in
approve mode on specs. ;)


Flavio Percoco

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