Excerpts from Joshua Harlow's message of 2015-04-28 11:30:01 -0700:
> Jeremy Stanley wrote:
> > On 2015-04-28 16:30:21 +0100 (+0100), Chris Dent wrote:
> > [...]
> >> What's important to avoid is the blog postings being only reporting of
> >> "conclusions". They also need to be invitations to participate in the
> >> discussions. Yes, the mailing list, gerrit and meeting logs have some
> >> of the ongoing discussions but often, without a nudge, people won't
> >> know.
> > [...]
> >
> > Perhaps better visibility for the meeting agenda would help? As in
> > "these are the major topics we're planning to cover in the upcoming
> > meeting, everyone is encouraged to attend" sort of messaging?
> > Blogging that might be a bit obnoxious, not really sure (I'm one of
> > those luddites who prefer mailing lists to blogs so tend not to
> > follow the latter anyway).
> What about having a IRC bot that announces meetings + agends (based on 
> some calendar/config file/other...), then people could log-in to say a 
> #openstack-meeting-announce channel and be notified of meetings that are 
> about to start (including the TC one...); could be useful? and then if 
> people complain well u can say there exists a channel where all this 
> notification happens (and if they think it to noisy, leave the channel)...

Another option is to register "#startmeeting" as a notification
word in your IRC client and lurk in the meeting channels.


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