Thanks, Brandon.  I am using V1. And trying to create via horizon, this field 
is the mandatory field in horizon creating pool pageWanjing

Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2015 01:40:00 +0000
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] Why do we need to select subnet 
when creating a pool?

I'm assuming you are using LBaaS V2.  With that assumption, I'm not sure how 
you are having to select subnet on the pool.  It's not supposed to be a field 
at all on the pool object.  subnet_id is required on the member object right 
now, but that's something
 I and others think should just be optional, and if not specified then it's 
assumed that member can be reached with whatever has already been setup.​  
Another option is pool could get a subnet_id field in the future and all 
members that are created without
 subnet_id are assumed to be on the pool's subnet_id, but I'm getting ahead of 
myself and this has no bearing on your current issue.

Could you tell me how you are making your requests? CLI? REST directly?

From: Wanjing Xu <>

Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 12:57 PM

To: OpenStack Development Mailing List not for usage questions

Subject: [openstack-dev] [Neutron][LBaaS] Why do we need to select subnet when 
creating a pool?

So when I use Haproxy for LBaaS for Juno, there is a subnet mandatary field 
that I need to fill in when creating a pool, and later on when I add members, I 
can use a different subnet(or simply just enter the ip of the member), when 
adding vip,
 I can still select a third subnet.  So what is the usage of the first subnet 
that I used to create pool?  There is no port created for this pool subnet.  I 
can see that a port is created for the vip subnet that the loadbalancer 
instance is binding to.


Wanjing Xu

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