In the legency network, there only one nic. So it is OK and understandable by using following cli.
nova boot test --flavor m1.tiny --security_group ssh --security_group http --image cirros The instance only have one network associate with several security groups. But in Neutron Network, we can attach more than one network to the instance. It will be confused using the following cli. nova boot test --flavor m1.tiny --security_group ssh --security_group http --nic net-id=xxxxxxxxxxx --nic port-id=yyyyyyyyyyy Which port/nic the security group should bind to? the first one? both? The legacy network will be removed and I think it is the time to change the API to satisfied the new situation. May be the new cli like below: nova boot test --flavor m1.tiny --nic net-id=xxxxxx,security_group=ssh --nic port-id=yyyyyyyyy --nic net-id=zzzzzzzz,security_group=http,security_group=mysql Related Bug: -- Lei Zhang Blog: twitter/weibo: @jeffrey4l
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