On 5/26/15, 2:16 PM, "jpee...@redhat.com" <jpee...@redhat.com> wrote:

>(Trying to summarize discussions from earlier on IRC)
>On Mon, May 25, 2015 at 06:54:43PM +0000, Steven Dake (stdake) wrote:
>>Hey fellow Kolla devs,
>>With Sam¹s recent change to add build from source as an option and build
>>from Debuntian binaries as an option, we will end up in a situation
>>where our gate will take 4+ hours to build all of the images and run the
>>functional tests.  I would like to separate each major distro and source
>>type with a separate functional gate, for example:
>>I propose separating each of these as a separate non-voting check job.
>>What needs to happen in our image building scripts, our functional
>>tests, and the project-config repo to make this happen?
>Sam said he was working on a patch the allowed CLI args to be passed in
>to set the prefix. Then it appears that tox supports passing arguments
>to underlying tests, so a new argument could be passed to
>test_images.py, and that file be modified to pass the different prefix
>to build-all-docker-images. (The project-config repo would be nearly
>identical, just with new jobs executing tox with the different
>I really wish we were somehow using caching, though there is one
>downside. If caching were used and a network resource goes down that was
>cached, the build would succeed, which could be confusing. Then again
>that very con could be considered a pro as being more robust to third
>party failures.
>Today on IRC it was mentioned that pushing images would take hours, so I
>think we should leverage Docker's trusted builds and not even bother
>trying to push images from our test run (another potential solution).
>The flow would look something like:
>submitted to gerrit
>gating performed
>commit permitted to land in repo
>github commit hook triggers trusted build
>trusted build updated to latest and available for all to download from
>docker registry
>Looking into this further, we'd need infrastructure help to get
>permissions on github to create the webhooks.

I am pretty sure webhooks for our use case are a nonstarter for the infra
team.  It was discussed in the past at the start of kolla and I believe
this was the conclusion of the infra team.  But I¹ve added the [infra] tag
for confirmation.

>Once we get to this point we should be able to do image pulls of trusted
>builds, greatly accelerating the build process. However, if this is
>deemed too risky, the trusted builds would at least allow community
>users to stay up to date easily without any long build times.
>>I¹d like to make our current functional gate voting asap, but don¹t want
>>to block build from source to make that happen.
>ASAP? I thought we discussed leaving the job to run for a while before
>making it voting. But if voting is to be turned on in the near term,
>obviously we'd start without caching and just using the centos images
>for now. As far as I can tell, the review is ready:

I changed my mind re voting gate.  My rationale is if the gate votes,
nobody will break it :)

We do need a week or two of soak time to make sure what we have isn¹t
producing heisenbugs :)



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