On 5/27/15, 8:23 AM, "Flavio Percoco" <fla...@redhat.com> wrote:

>On 26/05/15 17:14 +0000, Jesse Cook wrote:
>>I created an etherpad with priorities the RAX team I work on will be
>>on based on our talks at the summit: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/
>>liberty-priorities-rax. Input, guidance, feedback, and collaboration is
>>just welcome, it is encouraged and appreciated.
>May I ask what "Image conversions follow up" is meant to do?
>I'll be working on a "follow up" as well and I want to make sure we
>don't overlap.
>Flavio Percoco

Not sure. I requested clarification on the etherpad. I¹ll be focusing on
the first 6 items as of right now.



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