Hi Gosha,

Thanks again for your time.
I seem to be observing a different behavior in my environment. Here is the 
experiment I ran:

1. Created environment "env". No stack yet.
2. Added a component to "env". No stack yet.
3. Deployed "env". Two stacks are created:

template for stack 1:

description: 'This stack was generated by Murano for environment env (ID: 
heat_template_version: '2013-05-23'
resources: {}

template for stack 2:

description: Simple template to deploy a single cirros instance
heat_template_version: '2014-10-16'
~~~~properties: {flavor: m1.micro, image: cirros-0.3.4-x86_64-uec}
~~~~type: OS::Nova::Server

4. Add a second component to "env". No changes to stacks.
5. Deploy "env". Two existing stacks are updated (no changes to their 
template). A new stack is created.

template for stack 3:

description: Simple template to deploy a single cirros instance
heat_template_version: '2014-10-16'
~~~~properties: {flavor: m1.small, image: ubuntu-trusty-amd64}
~~~~type: OS::Nova::Server

Basically, for each component addition I see a new stack is created with only 
resources from that component in it.
Am I missing something?

Vahid Hashemian, Ph.D.
Advisory Software Engineer, IBM Cloud Labs

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