On 06/04/2015 10:14 AM, Devananda van der Veen wrote:

On Jun 4, 2015 8:57 AM, "Monty Taylor" <mord...@inaugust.com

 > So, seriously - let's grow up and start telling people that they do not
 > get to pick and choose user-visible feature sets. If they have an unholy
 > obsession with a particular backend technology that does not allow a
 > public feature of the API to work, then they are deploying a broken
 > cloud and they need to fix it.

So I just had dinner last night with a very large user of OpenStack (yes, they
exist)  whose single biggest request is that we stop "differentiating" in the
API. To them, any difference in the usability / behavior / API between OpenStack
deployment X and Y is a serious enough problem that it will have two effects:
- vendor lock in
- they stop using OpenStack
And since avoiding single vendor lock in is important to them, well, really it
has only one result.

Tl;Dr; Monty is right. We MUST NOT vary the API or behaviour significantly or
non-discoverably between clouds. Or we simply won't have users.

If a vendor wants to "differentiate" themselves, what about having two sets of API endpoints? One that is full vanilla openstack with bog-standard behaviour, and one that has vendor-specific stuff in it?

That way the end-users that want interop can just use the standard API and get common behaviour across clouds, while the end-users that want the "special sauce" and are willing to lock in to a vendor to get it can use the vendor-specific API.


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