
I think you are on the road but perhaps you have access to email.

Can you pull the trigger on your preferred governance approach?  Brad will do 
the rest (creation of stackforge project, etc)  From my perspective, the UI 
spec is ready to hit the repo and we shouldn’t block these folks good work 
because we can’t make a decision :).

Given the broad interest from a lot of interested parties and no defined best 
practice in OpenStack for handling UI governance, I think a separate 
magnum-ui-core may make the most sense so the Magnum core team responsible for 
the infrastructure doesn’t balloon with a bunch of folks that don’t know much 
about Magnum in detail.  If the ui dev team has slow reviews, which I doubt, we 
can add magnum-core to the magnum-ui-core team as a subteam in gerrit.

I know this is a change in my previous stance, but I didn’t expect such broad 


Once we get a decision from Adrian, can you submit a stackforge repo creation 
and link the review on this thread so interested parties can review 


From: Adrian Otto <<>>
Reply-To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
Date: Thursday, June 4, 2015 at 2:30 PM
To: "OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)" 
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [magnum][horizon] Making a dashboard for Magnum - 
need a vote from the core team


I have published a top level blueprint for a magnum-horizon-plugin:

My suggestion is that any contributor interested in contributing to this 
feature should subscribe to that blueprint, and record their intent to 
contribute in the Whiteboard of the BP. Furthermore, I suggest that any 
contributors who are a good fit for core reviewer duties for this effort 
subscribe to the blueprint and mark themselves as “Participation Essential” so 
I can get a clear picture of how to deal with grouping the related core 
reviewer team (or adding them to the current core group).

I think that this effort would benefit from a spec submitted as a review using 
the following template:

Adapt it for magnum (I have not contributed a spec template of our own yet. 

Contribute it here:



On Jun 4, 2015, at 12:58 PM, Steven Dake (stdake) 
<<>> wrote:

Hey folks,

I think it is critical for self-service needs that we have a Horizon dashboard 
to represent Magnum.  I know the entire Magnum team has no experience in UI 
development, but I have found atleast one volunteer Bradley Jones to tackle the 

I am looking for more volunteers to tackle this high impact effort to bring 
Containers to OpenStack either in the existing Magnum core team or as new 
contributors.   If your interested, please chime in on this thread.

As far as “how to get patches approved”, there are two models we can go with.

Option #1:
We add these UI folks to the magnum-core team and trust them not to +2/+A 
Magnum infrastructure code.  This also preserves us as one team with one 

Option #2:
We make a new core team magnum-ui-core.  This presents special problems if the 
UI contributor team isn’t large enough to get reviews in.  I suspect Option #2 
will be difficult to execute.

Cores, please vote on Option #1, or Option #2, and Adrian can make a decision 
based upon the results.


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