Hi all,

Cross posting to openstack-dev and openstack-operators

We discussed supporting multiple types of routers within a Neutron in
the L3 meeting this morning [1].  The team would like more feedback
from the community in order to refine use cases and also to consider
possible approaches to achieved these use cases.  The team would like
to gather feedback on an etherpad [2] created for this purpose.  If
this is something that you have been yearning for or thinking about
trying to implement, please provide your feedback.  This is still
early in the discussion, the best time for your feedback to matter.

Paul Carver and Isaku Yamahata are two contacts you could approach
directly if you would like to have a discussion before capturing your
feedback on the etherpad.  They are also welcome to follow up to this
email if I missed any important point here.


[2] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/neutron-modular-l3-router-plugin-use-cases

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