From what I can see, the ring gets created and rebalanced in puppet-swift/manifest/ringbuilder.pp i.e calling:

  class { '::swift::ringbuilder':
# the part power should be determined by assuming 100 partitions per drive
    part_power     => '18',
    replicas       => '3',
    min_part_hours => 1,
    require        => Class['swift'],

*not* when each device is added.

Yeah, using a seed is probably a good solution too. For the moment I'm using the idea of one proxy being a 'ring server/master' which achieves the same thing (identical rings everywhere). However I'll have a look at using a seed, as this may simplify the code and also the operational procedure needed to replace said 'master' if it fails (i.e to avoid accidentally creating a new ring when you really don't need to...)



On 12/06/15 23:10, McCabe, Donagh wrote:
I skimmed the code, but since I'm not familiar with the environment, I could not find where 
"swift-ring-builder rebalance" is invoked. I'm guessing that each time you add a device 
to a ring, a rebalance is also done. Leaving aside how inefficient that is, the key thing is that 
the rebalance command has an optional "seed" parameter. Unless you explicitly set the 
seed (to same value on all node obviously), you won't get the same ring on all nodes. You also need 
to make sure you add the same set of drives and in same order.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Kirkwood []
Sent: 12 June 2015 06:28
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: [openstack-dev] [puppet] [Swift] Multiple proxy recipes will create 
out of sync rings

I've looking at using puppet-swift to deploy a swift cluster.

Firstly - without
I would have struggled a great deal more to get up and running, so a big thank 
you for a nice worked example of how to do multiple nodes!

However I have stumbled upon a problem - with respect to creating multiple proxy 
nodes. There are some recipes around that follow on from the site.pp above and 
explicitly build >1 proxy (e.g

Now the problem is - each proxy node does a ring builder create, so ends up 
with *different* builder (and therefore) ring files. This is not good, as the 
end result is a cluster with all storage nodes and *one* proxy with the same 
set of ring files, and *all* other proxies with
*different* ring (and builder) files.

I have used logic similar to the attached to work around this, i.e only create 
rings if we are the 'ring server', otherwise get 'em via rsync.



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