Ok. So if I understand it correctly, every update operation we do could
result in a deadlock then? Or is it just ones with "where" criteria that
became invalid.

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 8:58 PM, Carl Baldwin <c...@ecbaldwin.net> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 5:17 PM, Kevin Benton <blak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > There seems to be confusion on what causes deadlocks. Can one of you
> explain
> > to me how an optimistic locking strategy (a.k.a. compare-and-swap)
> results
> > in deadlocks?
> >
> > Take the following example where two workers want to update a record:
> >
> > Worker1: "UPDATE items set value=newvalue1 where value=oldvalue"
> > Worker2: "UPDATE items set value=newvalue2 where value=oldvalue"
> >
> > Then each worker checks the count of rows affected by the query. The one
> > that modified 1 gets to proceed, the one that modified 0 must retry.
> Here's my understanding:  In a Galera cluster, if the two are run in
> parallel on different masters, then the second one gets a write
> certification failure after believing that it had succeeded *and*
> reading that 1 row was modified.  The transaction -- when it was all
> prepared for commit -- is aborted because the server finds out from
> the other masters that it doesn't really work.  This failure is
> manifested as a deadlock error from the server that lost.  The code
> must catch this "deadlock" error and retry the entire thing.
> I just learned about Mike Bayer's DBFacade from this thread which will
> apparently make the db behave as an active/passive for writes which
> should clear this up.  This is new information to me.
> I hope my understanding is sound and that it makes sense.
> Carl
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