Erno, thanks for raising the concerns.

* The meeting allows people to focus on spec reviews.
* It also encourages people to think about some of the blockers on a weekly 
basis and drive the project forward.
* It does NOT intend to discourage open discussion on gerrit or ML.

The specs can and are encouraged to be raised during the weekly meeting but our 
meetings do not have enough time to discuss all the specs and some of the specs 
can sit around for a long time. (Meeting can help with such triage) Also, specs 
are most welcome to be discussed at any of the platforms supported and/or used 
by OpenStack team. However, the speed at which the specs are getting reviewed 
is concerning. It is also an issues to get multiple drivers online at the same 

You are correct in the way that this meeting encourages sync between the 
drivers. Also, it helps people to show up at the meeting on a regular basis 
along with fellow Glancers, reserve a dedicated time slot for themselves when 
they will do spec reviews. Also, we can put a freeze on merge (after an 
agreement has been reached) and send email to ML asking for input before the 
date mentioned but depending on further feedback at one of the meeting -- this 
will enable those not in the timezone to provide input. (Channels are logged to 
get more context)

This is a Drivers' meeting after all and preference to the time was given as 
per the current list of Drivers' timezones. Let's see if more people start 
showing up at the meeting, or are interested and not able to attend due to TZ 
issues, we may think about alternating timeslot. In the interest of providing 
regular feedback on the specs and continue to keep the review list small, we 
need this meeting.

So, your assumption was indeed different than my intent. Hope that helps.

P.S. The timeslot isn't that bad as many of the current openstack projects', 
drivers', wg meetings are held in nearby slots. It also ensures meeting isn't 
very very early for those on the western side of the planet, where we have 
decent number of active community members.


From: Kuvaja, Erno <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2015 10:55 AM
To: OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions)
Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Proposal for Weekly Glance Drivers 

As this Fri Jun 19th did not seem to have weight, I just express my opinion to 
the mailing list for the records.

Personally I think this is bad idea, but as not being Glance Driver I can't say 
how much need there is for such meeting. The specs should be raised during our 
weekly meeting and/or discussed on the mailing list and gerrit. Having another 
irc meeting just for these discussions (specially at this time) is giving quite 
clear signal that the input from Eastern EMEA & APJ is not needed nor desired.  
Based on the description from Nikhil and the weekly nature of this meeting I 
would assume that the intention was not just have a quick sync between the 
drivers, which I could have understood.

I'd be happy to be told to be wrong on the assumptions above ;)

- Erno

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nikhil Komawar []
> Sent: 16 June 2015 18:23
> To:
> Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [Glance] [all] Proposal for Weekly Glance
> Drivers meeting.
> FYI, We will be closing the vote on Friday, June 19 at 1700 UTC.
> On 6/15/15 7:41 PM, Nikhil Komawar wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > As per the discussion during the last weekly Glance meeting
> > (14:51:42at
> >
> 11-
> > 14.00.log.html ), we will begin a short drivers' meeting where anyone
> > can come and get more feedback.
> >
> > The purpose is to enable those who need multiple drivers in the same
> > place; easily co-ordinate, schedule & collaborate on the specs, get
> > core-reviewers assigned to their specs etc. This will also enable more
> > synchronous style feedback, help with more collaboration as well as
> > with dedicated time for giving quality input on the specs. All are
> > welcome to attend and attendance from drivers is not mandatory but
> encouraged.
> > Initially it would be a 30 min meeting and if need persists we will
> > extend the period.
> >
> > Please vote on the proposed time and date:
> > (Note: Run the tests for your
> > vote to ensure we are considering feasible & non-conflicting times.)
> > We will start the meeting next week unless there are strong conflicts.
> >
> --
> Thanks,
> Nikhil
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