not familiar/smart enough to comment on design within Nova but i'm very much in favour if this is possible. the polling option in Ceilometer was always a means to get information not readily available via notifications.

that said, i don't think we can completely do away with polling. i'm aware of some cases where in addition to polling for measurements, some users leverage the polling agent as a means of performing health checks as well but the less load our polls generate the better.

On 17/06/2015 11:52 AM, Matt Riedemann wrote:
Without getting into the details from the etherpad [1], a few of us in IRC today were talking about how the ceilometer compute-agent polls libvirt directly for guest VM statistics and how ceilometer should really be getting this information from nova via notifications sent from a periodic task in the nova compute manager.

Nova already has the get_instance_diagnostics virt driver API which is nice in that it has structured versioned instance diagnostic information regardless of virt driver (unlike the v2 os-server-diagnostics API which is a free-form bag of goodies depending on which virt driver is used, which makes it mostly untestable and not portable). The problem is the get_instance_diagnostics virt driver API is per-instance, so it's not efficient in the case that you want bulk instance data for a given compute host.

So the idea is to add a new virt driver API to get the bulk data and emit that via a structured versioned payload similar to get_instance_diagnostics but for all instances.

Eventually the goal is for nova to send what ceilometer is collecting today [2] and then ceilometer can just consume that notification rather than doing the direct hypervisor polling it has today.

Anyway, this is the high level idea, the details/notes are in the etherpad along with next steps.

Feel free to chime in now with reasons why this is crazy and will never work and we shouldn't waste our time on it.



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