On 17/06/2015 12:57 PM, Chris Dent wrote:
On Tue, 16 Jun 2015, Simon Pasquier wrote:

I'm still struggling to see how these optimizations would be implemented
since the current Gnocchi design has separate backends for indexing and
storage which means that datapoints (id + timestamp + value) and metric
metadata (tenant_id, instance_id, server group, ...) are stored into
different places. I'd be interested to hear from the Gnocchi team how this
is going to be tackled. For instance, does it imply modifications or
extensions to the existing Gnocchi API?

I think there's three things to keep in mind:

a) The plan is to figure it out and make it work well, "production
   ready" even. That will require some iteration. At the moment the
   overlap between InfluxDB python driver maturity and someone-to-do-the-
   work is not great. When it is I'm sure the full variety of
   optimizations will be explored, with actual working code and test

just curious but what bugs are we waiting on for the influxdb driver? i'm hoping Paul Dix has prioritised them?

b) Gnocchi has separate _interfaces_ for indexing and storage. This
   is not the same as having separate _backends_[1]. If it turns out
   that the right way to get InfluxDB working is for it to be the
   same backend to the two separate interfaces then that will be

i'll straddle the middle line here and say i think we need to wait for a viable driver before we can start making the appropriate adjustments. having said that, i think once we have the gaps resolved, i think we should make all effort to conform to the rules of the db (whether it is influxdb, kairosdb, opentsdb). we faced a similar issue with the previous data storage design where we generically applied a design for one driver across all drivers and that led to terribly inefficient design everywhere.

c) The future is unknown and the present is not made of stone. There
   could be modifications and extensions to the existing stuff. We
   don't know. Yet.

[1] Yes the existing implementations use SQL for the indexer and
various subclasses of the carbonara abstraction as two backends
for the two interfaces. That's an accident of history not a design


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