Hi there,

For my team's networking backend, we want to catch security group updates in our ML2 mechanism driver code.

Currently we're doing this by monkey patching the AgentNotifierApi:

# This section monkeypatches the AgentNotifierApi.security_groups_rule_updated # method to ensure that the Calico driver gets told about security group # updates at all times. This is a deeply unpleasant hack. Please, do as I say,
    # not as I do.
    # For more info, please see issues #635 and #641.
original_sgr_updated = rpc.AgentNotifierApi.security_groups_rule_updated

    def security_groups_rule_updated(self, context, sgids):
        LOG.info("security_groups_rule_updated: %s %s" % (context, sgids))
        mech_driver.send_sg_updates(sgids, context)
        original_sgr_updated(self, context, sgids)

    rpc.AgentNotifierApi.security_groups_rule_updated = (

But, as the comment says, this is a hack.  Is there a better way?

Many thanks,

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