Some recent specs have proposed changing some of the API's by either
removing parts, or changing them in non-backwards way. Additionally there
are some proposals that are light on details of their impact to already
supported components.

I propose that deprecation and backwards compatibility should be maintained
for at least one release before removing support for the previous

This would result in a process such as

A -> A2,B -> B
R1 -> R2    -> R3

A is the initial implementation
A2 is the depricated A interface that likely converts to B back to A
B is the new feature

R[1,2,3] Releases incrementing.

This would require that the interface A is documented in the release notes
of R2 as being marked for removal. The A interface can then be removed in

This will allow for a reasonable time for down-stream users to learn that
the interface they may be using is going away and they can adapt to the new
interface before it's the only interface available.



Andrew Woodward


Fuel Community Ambassador

Ceph Community
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