Thanks for bringing this to my attention Kevin! I may not have see this if
my filter didn't catch 'Kolla'.

I am very interested in this. In Kolla and related projects we containerize
all the neutron components near the beginning of the year. We too have no
wish to getting a situation where we are "re-inventing the wheel for each
different project".

Unfortunately, I am not seeing much documentation about this project. I
would love to read more about the current status and plans so we can both
contribute to each other!

Sam Yaple

On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 2:04 PM, Fox, Kevin M <> wrote:

>  Awesome. :)
> Dockerization of Neutron plugins is already in scope of the Kolla project.
> Might want to coordinate the effort with the Kolla team.
> Thanks,
> Kevin
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Gal Sagie
> *Sent:* Wednesday, July 22, 2015 9:28:50 AM
> *To:* OpenStack Development Mailing List (not for usage questions); Eran
> Gampel; Antoni Segura Puimedon; Irena Berezovsky
> *Subject:* [openstack-dev] [Neutron][Kuryr] - Bringing Dockers networking
> to Neutron
>  Hello Everyone,
> Project Kuryr is now officially part of Neutron's big tent.
> Kuryr is aimed to be used as a generic docker remote driver that connects
> docker to Neutron API's
> and provide containerised images for the common Neutron plugins.
> We also plan on providing common additional networking services API's from
> other sub projects
> in the Neutron big tent.
>  We hope to get everyone on board with this project and leverage this
> joint effort for the many different solutions out there (instead of
> everyone re-inventing the wheel for each different project).
>  We want to start doing a weekly IRC meeting to coordinate the different
> requierments and
> tasks, so anyone that is interested to participate please share your time
> preference
> and we will try to find the best time for the majority.
>  Remember we have people in Europe, Tokyo and US, so we won't be able to
> find time that fits
> everyone.
>  The currently proposed time is  *Wedensday at 16:00 UTC *
>  Please reply with your suggested time/day,
> Hope to see you all, we have an interesting and important project ahead of
> us
>  Thanks
> Gal.
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