On 14 August 2015 at 21:08, Chris Dent <chd...@redhat.com> wrote:

> Awesome, thanks for pointing this out, that will be useful.
> But again: Underlying my assertion is that we don't _just_ need more
> tools and automation we also need to remind ourselves of the kind of
> environment that we're operating in, as humans.
> I'm not against the automation of the gate side of things. Yes,
> great, you and others are doing some stellar work to insure
> stability. Thank you _very_ much. I'm arguing about the devstack
> default.
> And even then, I'm not arguing that we don't set it, rather that we
> just pause a moment and think about the side effects, if any.

I'm saying, at least for me, I have thought about it, and I think the
disease is in expecting everyone. Everyone (First day developer and
wizard-of-openstack-been-here-from-the-start) to all simultaneously
interact with new upstream releases.

Its not a benefit: its a massive cost. Its why developers on
proprietary platforms often try developing Open Source for a day and
then swear 'never again'.

Its why RHEL and Ubuntu LTS's are things at all.

Instability hurts our developers. It hurts our vendors (slower
development of features) and it hurts our users (longer time to get
fixes and new features).

The larger our community grows the more it hurts.

I'd like folk to really viscerally feel this. The mystified 'every
time I try to do something I have to debug a mysterious failure'
reaction that I see from folk on IRC every time something like this
happens should be making us sadmad (the opposite of
http://greendoorrelaxation.net/2015/04/23/you-are-mad-sad/). Fixing
these things directly improves the experience of *thousands* of

To put this in context, we have nearly 400 (including transitive)
dependencies including all the ones we create. We're hurting thousands
of people to help hundreds of projects /urgently/. I don't think that
makes sense.

Rather, lets help those projects gracefully: keep gentle pressure on
to upgrade, while still respecting the time of /all/ our contributors.


Robert Collins <rbtcoll...@hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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