Paging support for certain Keystone constructs seems reasonable to me
(roles, domains and projects). But as Adam Young just wrote in [0], though
possible for our SQL backends, why? Do you really expect deployments to
have 100s of roles/domains/projects?

IMO groups probably should not have paging, as with users, they can be
owned by another identity source as well.

A minor note about paging through LDAP; in my experience LDAP paging
usually requires an administrator authenticate/bind, which most users
likely are not, and still uses it's own server side settings to determine
how many results to return.



Steve Martinelli
OpenStack Keystone Core

From:   David Lyle <>
To:     OpenStack Development Mailing List
Date:   2015/08/17 09:54 PM
Subject:        Re: [openstack-dev] [UX] [Keystone] [Horizon] Pagination
            support for Identity dashboard entities

I think we've conveniently been led off track here. The original
request/subject was regarding pagination of projects in the v3 API. Since
this is purely a keystone construct it seems implausible to me that ldap or
the IdP of choice would be limiting the ability to return a paginated list
of all projects. Or groups or domains or roles for that matter.

There is no reason to punt on pagination across the API for one resource
type, which actually would also work with select backends. Give me
something that I can exhaustively list in the API I can build from.


On Aug 17, 2015 10:53 AM, "Fox, Kevin M" <> wrote:
  1. yes, but probably only if its a short list. It may be feasible to show
  it only if there are 5 or less pages, and maybe just load all pages of
  data and paginate it on the client. If too big, ask the user to refine
  their search? Or always paginate to 5, and then the 6th page have a page
  requesting further refinement?

  2. Not sure what the difference between searching and filtering is in
  this context? something like facets? If so, probably the 5 or less thing
  would work here too.

  3. Yes, but again, probably within a smaller set of pages?

  From: Kruithof, Piet []
  Sent: Sunday, August 16, 2015 9:41 AM
  Subject: Re: [openstack-dev] [UX] [Keystone] [Horizon] Pagination support
  for Identity dashboard entities

  I like Michael’s response because it moved the thread towards identifying
  actual user needs before digging into the technical feasibility.  IMHO,
  it would be helpful to have a few people on the list answer his

  1 - Do users want to page through search results?

  2 - Do users want to page through filter results? (do they use filter

  3 - If they want to page, do they want to be able to go back a page
  and/or know their current page?

  I understand that even if we answer “yes” to all three questions that
  there could be issues around implementation, but at least we’ll know a
  gap exists.

  Piet Kruithof
  Sr UX Architect, HP Helion Cloud
  PTL, OpenStack UX project

  "For every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat and

  H L Menken


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