Questions in-line, but I'd appreciate a better summary

On 8/19/15, 17:50, "Matthew Thode" <> wrote:

>I'll start by giving this out, but I'll also summarize the asks we had
>from upstream.
>General services:
>  - gate check on example config and doc generation
>    - was mentioned this has broken in the past and taken a while to fix

The etherpad doesn't have much on this topic, could you (or someone else
from the mid-cycle) expound on this?

>  - document dependencies needed for config/doc generation
>    - (not all of test requirements)

So you want a doc-requirements.txt file? That doesn't have other libraries
other than the documentation related ones?

>  - generated example configs generated and stored in an automated way
>    - (in lieu of packagers generating the configs dynamically)

Don't most projects already do this?

>  - A place to look for files that go in /etc

Again, don't most projects have an etc/ directory inside of them?

>  - Publish pip-freeze at the end

At the end of what?

>  - Don't strip out files in the repo when publishing to pip

No services are published to PyPI. What is this about?

>  - Publish an example init-script (systemd)

This seems reasonable

>    - I think this might be going away with wsgi


>  - nginx wsgi examples

Is nginx even supported in any of the services? If so, are we already
gating on that?

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